The election of Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States is considered by many as the end of Wokeness, or at least a devastating blow against it. It isn’t. Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise. Your life and liberty depend on it. This is not hyperbole.
Allow me to channel my inner Winston Churchill: This election is merely the end of the beginning in a long war against the madness of Woke ideology. There is an unimaginably difficult fight ahead against foes who are well-funded, ruthless, and have captured extensive control over governments, businesses, and institutions. Bottom line: The Woke ain’t fucking around, and they intend to forcibly impose upon us a totalitarian world of divisiveness, destruction, death, and miserable sameness. This, too, is not hyperbole.
Tens of millions of sane people, including many Democrats, voted for Mr. Trump. I did, too. This included incredible numbers of blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims. But keep in mind that tens of millions of people voted for Kamala Harris and the continuation of Wokeness, either because they are true believers in this odious belief system or were misguided for other reasons (e.g., there are non-Woke who also suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome).
It was a tactical victory for Donald Trump but not a strategic one. An army can win battles and achieve many tactical victories yet still lose a war. And we are in a fight against an enemy who demands nothing less than unconditional surrender and complete subjugation. For Christ sakes, they want to criminalize accurate grammar, which they—in true Orwellian fashion—mischaracterize as misgendering. (In some Woke-infested countries it is already illegal, and miscreants are punished for it.)
The odious nature of Wokeness drove many of us to vote for a flawed candidate who is often his own worst enemy. His lack of humility and impulse control, while entertaining and sometimes endearing and timely, are also often handicaps that do not serve him well. The Woke should ask themselves why they’ve now lost twice to a political novice who has beaten them despite his flaws, despite having powerful institutions hellbent on his destruction, despite fabulously outspending him in campaigning, despite the Deep State and the elites of his own political party contriving against him—with a far more convincing victory the second go around.
Instead, as expected—they’re Woke, after all—they blame their loss on racism and misogyny, among other specious excuses, rather than the fact they ran a horribly incompetent candidate who would continue the implementation of insane Woke policies. In their demented minds, blacks who did not vote for Harris are racists, women who did not vote for her are misogynists, and Hispanic Trump voters are now white supremacists. I’m shocked they also didn’t blame global warming.
I no more expect the Woke to engage in constructive self-reflection than I do Donald Trump to be more decorous and gracious with his social media posts. The Woke and the elite of both major parties are long overdue some serious reflection. But won’t do it. The Woke are beholden to their cult. The elites of both major political parties are beholden to their donors and their own avarice. The rest of us suffer accordingly.
No, Mr. Trump did not win because America is racist and misogynistic. He won in large part because Wokeness is widely recognized as an evil ideology, a cult of hate and destructiveness that harms people and intends much more harm. The Woke are so odious and their evil so irretrievable that the nation (or at least half of it) would be a better place if permanently divided into two separate countries, Woke and non-Woke. This is the only distinction that matters. Black vs. White, Left vs. Right, Democrat vs. Republican, Red state vs. Blue state, Conservative vs. Liberal, Christian vs. Muslim, immigrant vs. native born, rich vs. poor, these are nothing but quaint kerfuffles from a seemingly long-ago time which predated the Internet, that infernal facilitator of narcissism, pettiness, and shrill vengeance. Irony of ironies, the Woke and their divisiveness-industrial complex have unified everyone else against them.
In this war we must understand that the Woke are a grave threat to all of us, themselves included, though they sure as hell won’t see the menace of their asshattery and won’t until it’s too late. The Woke are so profoundly loathsome, that people are fleeing the primary repository of Wokedom (i.e., the Democratic Party). If the Republican leadership were savvy—which they aren’t—they would clearly articulate their positions on social and economic issues and welcome the non-Woke of every race, religion, sexuality, and political affiliation into their party, including non-Woke transpeople.
The Woke are replete with lamebrain notions, but four stand out for the damage these cause—with a shitload more damage forthcoming—if we let them. These are the Four Horsemen of the Woke Apocalypse, whose hoofbeats are now deafening…
Transgender ideology – The First Horseman
Voltaire’s warning must be kept in mind at all times: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” And, boy, the absurdities and atrocities regarding this horseman are off the freeking charts!
Case in point: A man is a biological woman if he says that he is a woman. Should you dare disagree with this insanely absurd statement, you are in unredeemable conflict with a foundational tenet of transgender ideology, and according to them you are a bigot who deserves severe punishment. Not all transgender people agree with this tenet (sensible transpeople do exist), but the Woke ones, and the rest of the Woke, sure as hell do. And they’re nasty as hell in their insistence on it. (They’d certainly want me punished for the use of he in the aforementioned illustrative sentence.)
The James-Bond-villian-level genius who came up with the crazy notion of transgender ideology (aka transfascism) as a strategy to undermine society likely at first faced a room full of incredulous evildoers. They must’ve thought the guy crazy. Somehow, he convinced them that there are more than enough pudding-headed individuals, including those in positions of authority, who would either eat this crazy shit up or be complicit in the farce due to cowardice…Oh no, I can’t risk being called a transphobe. And he was right; perhaps far more so than he dreamed.
Back in my school days, when I first learned about eunuchs—males castrated to provide guards for a harem—I was aghast at the horrific cruelty deliberately inflicted on these poor souls to prevent hanky-panky between them and their female charges. “Thank goodness the world is a much better place nowadays, and we don’t inflict that evil anymore,” I said to myself.
Yikes, was I wrong.
Years later, we find ourselves in a society intentionally castrating thousands of males, with the audacity of calling this evil an affirmation of the victims’ true selves. The smug, self-congratulatory looks on the Woke faces as they perpetrate this horror is reminiscent of a smiling commandant at a Nazi death camp. They laud this medically unethical barbarism as “affirming” and “caring” and “suicide preventing.” They are so hellbent on this insanity that some Woke-controlled states passed laws allowing a child to be medically “transitioned” against the wishes of the parents. A castrated minor is the ultimate exemplar of their twisted notion of virtue (“We showed those bigots!”)—especially if done against the parents’ wishes.
Woe betide anyone who speaks up against this madness. The Woke vehemently attack those who oppose the monstrous medical malpractice they call “gender-affirming care” and characterize the resistance as right-wing bigots and intend for these heretics to face serious consequences for daring to challenge Woke orthodoxy.
There is a discussion to be had about how to ethically deal with quirky people, including those suffering from what is characterized as “gender dysphoria.” But the person’s delusion must not be indulged as if it were concrete reality. In cases of gender-confusion, caring mental health therapy must be provided. The goal of caring therapy should be to help the person accept his or her gender, since we are born male or female and must make the best of it.
But transgender ideology is demonic. It is not caring, despite their protestations to the contrary. Another of its tenets is, “Thou shalt not attempt in any manner to get a gender-confused person to accept his or her gender. You are the gender that you say you are—and this can vary, day-to-day if you say it does. Period.” Woke states criminalize proper therapy and call it—again, in Orwellian fashion—conversion therapy. A sane person recognizes that mutilating healthy genitals and breasts, and providing wrong-sex hormones and chemical sterilizing drugs, is the real conversion therapy. The Woke cotton no option other than surgery and drugs, with the utter hellbentedness of a fanatical cult. This is not surprising. Wokeness is a cult. Its members are shameless, shrill fanatics.
Transgender ideology is biological reality supplanted by superstitious savagery and whose human sacrifices are the children and vulnerable adults who are mutilated, poisoned, and sterilized. These victims are gleefully sacrificed to the Woke god as somehow proof of his worshipers enlightenment and compassion. In the case of Hollywood celebrities, it also makes criminally abused children a form of sick cachet. (“Look at me, how wonderful I am! My child is trans! I’m totally accepting of that! Not like those bigots!”)
The infrastructure for this macabre ideology is a mishmash bastardization of language and cowering of science meant to undermine incontrovertible truths and replace these with willful ignorance. Thus, we have the pronoun game, the social construct game, and made-up genders galore. Children aren’t born male or female and this duly noted on a birth certificate; instead, we’re told that doctors “assign” these distinctions at birth, apparently too often wrongly. Complicit governments issue perjurious birth certificates and passports in furtherance of this madness. Moronic doctors use retarded terms such as “female penis” and “birthing persons.” The cervix is now the “front hole” because for some retarded reason the word cervix is offensive to the trans-cultists. Anthropologists are suddenly unsure about the sex of the bones they uncover. Apparently, millions of years ago, our humanoid ancestors were also gender fluid and unable to discern the males and females among themselves—mating must’ve been quite interesting back then. Confused modern men now demand pap smears—though I’ve yet to hear of a confused woman demanding a prostate exam. Adult men are allowed into women’s dressing rooms and showers (even if young girls are present), they are incarcerated in female prisons (even if the male is a sex offender), and given ready access to other women’s spaces, fully imbued with stereotypical patriarchal entitlement and with the weight of the law on their behalf.
The lunatic is not the gender-confused person who wants to be left alone to live his life as he sees fit, and who does not expect the world to bend to his quirks. The lunatic is the person who insists—and intends consequences if you dare dispute it—that a man is a woman if he says he is a woman.
The abhorrent medical aspect of transgender ideology will be remembered someday as akin to the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment, lobotomies, the medical experiments conducted by the Nazis at concentration camps and by the Japanese Army Unit 731. The language machinations are already noted by sane people as right out of the Ministry of Truth from Orwell’s 1984.
We must stop this horseman. There are only two genders, male and female. No one is born in the wrong body. We are not “assigned” a sex at birth. Gender is not fluid, though a person’s personality may be. A person cannot change his or her sex. There is no trans-genocide.
Our society is not worth saving if this ideology continues to dictate public policy, mandate delusion and lies, and harm children and vulnerable adults.
Censorship – The Second Horseman
The Woke are insufferable censors. An opinion the Woke don’t like is “hate speech” or “violence.” A contrary notion creates an “unsafe space” for these emotional weaklings. The truth is “misinformation” and must be crushed at all costs. They demand the power of the state punish these written or oratory caused booboos to their flimsy psyches. Bottom line: The Woke are pussies. But fascist pussies given tremendous influence and power. And they aim to use it without pity.
Crazy, I know…but…
There exists a stubbornly persistent fantasy among far too many of our fellows that if only we’d silence those we don’t like, eliminate every discordant word and idea from the world, make everyone an everlastingly “polite” automaton, a veritable utopia would result.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Never forget that freedom of speech is an indispensable human right if we want to be free. There is no freedom without it; in fact, sans freedom of speech, you shall lose your other rights, as well. Guaranteed.
How do I know this?
It ain’t rocket science, my friends. The utopia they seek requires censorship. Censorship requires totalitarianism for its implementation. Censorship is evil. Censorship of ideas you find detestable is particularly evil because the right to free speech is meant to protect speech another person might not like—and this includes you.
We should daily give thanks that opinions we dislike, perhaps loathe, are allowed to exist, espoused and unmolested, because that means we, too, are free. It is only the physical manifestations of these opinions that we should concern ourselves, either for or against. (I often squawk about this in my writings because it’s that damn important—and it should be to you if you’ve a lick of sense.)
The Woke want us silenced. Their ultimate goal is to get us to self-censor, afraid to even think, let alone whisper, a notion inconsistent with Woke orthodoxy. Modern technology gives them weapons past tyrants could not have dreamed of: The Internet. Ubiquitous cameras and microphones. Colossal amounts of data storage. Merciless algorithms to surveil, hunt, and crush dissent. Social media sites teeming with tattletales and vile do-gooders. Add to this fetid mix the governments eager to codify penalties, including jail time, for those whose notions conflict with Wokeness.
The Internet is scoured relentlessly (and gleefully) by our present-day Puritans for peccadillos of indecorousness, old and new, and then these are elevated into capital offenses. The past sin is met with more hysteria than the new one, the Woke particularly outraged at its long dormancy.
This, too, must stop. Absolutely must. Or we’re doomed.
But I caution that the non-Woke aren’t immune from the temptation to censor those they don’t like. Many of those rightly criticizing Woke censorship were themselves quick to try to silence the anti-Israel protests which erupted following Israel’s military action in Gaza. These protesters indeed said many detestable things, yet they must be allowed to do so. If laws are broken, e.g., trespassing, vandalism, assault, blocking traffic, the violation of those laws is what should be punished, not the speech associated with it—the speech is irrelevant.
I must add that many of these anti-Israel protesters are likely Woke and have no qualms about silencing those they don’t like, which includes those protesting in support of Israel. Hypocrisy and Irony would make it Six Horsemen of the Woke Apocalypse.
Do not let the Woke silence you or others. Do not yourself silence another person. Always be suspicious of any group that tries to censor others. Always. It is never done for noble reasons. Never. As others have said, the antidote to speech you don’t like is not censorship, it is MORE speech.
Open borders – The Third Horseman
Many so-called partisan issues are actually non-partisan. Abortion? Yes, abortion, too. There are many anti-abortion Democrats and pro-choice Republicans. Our betters in both parties have deliberately used this issue to manipulate and divide us. The Democrat elites never intended to codify Roe v. Wade; the Republican elites never wanted Roe v. Wade overturned by the courts. It was far too valuable a tool for fundraising and political machinations.
Having immigration laws and enforcing these is a nonpartisan issue. This includes establishing immigration limits and a vetting process for people coming into our country to work or live. It’s not racist. It’s not xenophobic. It’s an adult responsibility done by competent governments and demanded by sane citizens of every ilk.
Therin lies the problem: The adult Woke are not responsible adults. They are irresponsible children. They love the disruption and divisiveness brought on by open borders, and the glee of doctrinaire contrarianism. They deliberately encourage it, having made a racist political calculation that illegal immigrants (who are largely non-white) benefits them politically. Based on the recent election and the large numbers of Hispanics who voted for Donald Trump, I won’t be surprised if the Democrats now demand a huge wall be built along our Southern border, if not actual minefields. The Woke are only pro-illegal immigration when it suits their immediate needs for nefarious asshattery—and doesn’t directly impact them. They’re lying when they claim they’re acting out of compassion.
An open border is anarchy. It shows that a government has lost control of its sovereignty. There’s a good reason for immigration laws, including any inherent limit to the numbers of people allowed in each year. The millions of illegal immigrants who arrive each year unnecessarily burden housing, healthcare, education, and law enforcement. This is patently unfair to both native born Americans and the immigrants who came here via the legal immigration process. Not vetting immigrants is particularly dunderheaded, as the plague of harm caused by criminal illegal aliens should never have occurred for a very simple reason: The perpetrators should not have been here in the first goddamn place!
It is evident that the Woke don’t care about any of the unfairness or the resultant burdens or crimes. Allowing illegal immigration, consequences be damned, is another hit of crack-like virtue. “Oh, we’re better than you racists! We don’t place any roadblocks on people coming here. We will, though, put up barriers against any efforts the bigots might come up with to stop illegal immigration. See how wonderful we are!”
The Woke are shameless liars. About everything. They claim “our immigration system is broken,” but they’re the ones who broke it. They claim the system needs “reform.” No, it just needs to be fully implemented without childish impediments. They deliberately undermine sound immigration laws via their odious sanctuary cities and states. They tie the hands of our border patrol agents. They wave their cringy “Refugees Welcome” signs, but sure as hell won’t take a damn one of them into their homes. They castigate anyone who wants immigration laws enforced as a xenophobic racist. Deport an illegal alien rapist? “Hell, no!” they’ll scream. Keeping one of those monsters here is particularly delicious anarchy. Bottom line: If the Woke continue to have their way, the citizens in Western countries are going to get tons more illegal immigration, whether they want it or not, and called bigots if they don’t. Large swaths of the population, often clear majorities, did not ask for this madness but, oh boy, are going to get it, “good and hard,” to use an H.L. Mencken bon mot.
Particularly farcical is that when Trump was reelected, the Woke squawked that agriculture and construction would suffer if illegal immigrant workers were deported. Oh my…the same economic argument made by antebellum plantation owners when arguing against the emancipation of slaves. Further proof of the Woke’s inherent racism.
We already have a longstanding guest worker program, which includes agriculture workers. A more robust guest worker program that is enforced is an adult thing to consider. Chaotic open borders is not. That is the purview of children who’ve made a crass political calculation based on race. Yes, children. Evil, racist ones. The Woke are evil and racist.
Global warming hysteria – The Fourth Horseman
In the Book of Revelations, the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse is Death. Global warming hysteria is the Fourth Horseman of the Woke Apocalypse because it is a suicide cult whose tenets shall lead to widespread misery and death if fully implemented. This, once again, is not hyperbole.
The global warming cultists claim that man-made carbon dioxide is causing extreme weather events—and pretty much anything else they consider bad, no matter how ludicrous the linkage—and, therefore, poses an extinction-level threat to humanity. The threat is so dire that trillions of dollars are needed to “fix” the problem, and society must be completely upended…of course, with accompanying censorship and pipsqueak totalitarianism (i.e., micromanaging the bejesus out of us). If our standard of living is demolished, if poor people can no longer improve their lot, too effing bad. The Ecotaliban don’t care.
Interestingly, and not in a good way, the well-to-do people espousing these assertions either don’t actually believe it, or their actions certainly indicate they don’t. Über-level hypocrisy is evident in the elite of this cult, and they exhibit no shame when it is called out. Those squawking the loudest about the evil of man-made carbon dioxide—while ignoring the 97 percent that is from natural sources—tend to have very large carbon footprints themselves—oftentimes Sasquatch-sized—and have no hesitation about purchasing expensive (supposedly doomed) sea level properties, flying on carbon dioxide spewing private jets (to global warming conferences, no less), and living in giant mansions (or multiple ones). They want us peons to eat bugs, but I’d bet a lot of money that not a single insect shall pass any of those entitled lips.
A particularly nefarious farce is the use of “carbon offsets” by these elitists, a form of old-school Catholic indulgence for their carbon spewing sins. They get to make more carbon dioxide because they’re rich. You do not. As I’ve said before, carbon offsets are worse than a system in which a wealthy pedophile can continue his evil deeds if he pays for less affluent pedophiles to cease theirs. Far worse? Yes. Child sex crimes are indeed abhorrent, but the global warming cultists claim we face an immediate existential planetary threat from carbon dioxide. If this were true and they were sincere in their beliefs, they wouldn’t do the activity requiring an offset in the first place—and they’d still contribute funds toward their fanciful offsets. Hey, are we facing an imminent apocalypse or not?
There certainly are mindless true believers, though. The Just Stop Oil sect of this cult wants us to stop using petroleum, and do so immediately. [Hoo boy.] This indicates a child-like understanding of how modern economies work and how poorer countries hope to achieve a Western-standard of living. Immediately ceasing the use of fossil fuels would destroy the world’s economy and result in a catastrophic number of deaths worldwide—and would make the two world wars seem like a tea party by comparison. They might as well demand we stop breathing oxygen while we’re at it (hey, animal respiration emits carbon dioxide as a byproduct).
The malicious part of my nature wishes the oil companies would call the bluff of these simpletons and immediately stop the distribution of petroleum products. Society would quickly collapse, and the global warming cultists would learn what it’s like to live in a Fourth World country. I imagine a resultant dystopian amalgam of the movies World War Z and Soylent Green, with a seasoning of The Purge tossed in, to boot.
These are not well-meaning people. They’re Woke, after all. Global warming is not about the environment or the climate. The leaders of this nonsense openly admit it. Global warming is a convenient scapegoat—tyrants always require one. It’s really about control and cementing the power of our betters over us, transferring wealth, and providing manufactured drama to fill empty Woke lives. This is not surprising. The people promoting this madness are demented and abhor true freedom.
The reality is that there is nothing unusual about the climate, either from a historical or geological perspective. There is no “climate emergency.” The Earth is not “boiling,” as the moronic head of the United Nations claimed. There is, though, an existential threat, but it is due to the global warming cultists rather than the climate itself.
Existential threat? Yes.
The Woke want far fewer of us—and they mean you, “people of color.” They want to deny the world’s poor the means to a better life. They want wealthier nations to become far poorer. They want absolute control over every facet of our lives, be it your stove, water heater, car, food, grocery bags. There is nothing too trivial to escape their cult’s grasp, be it bovine flatulence or table scraps. One of these madmen wants to genetically engineer humans to be physically smaller, so we’d have lighter carbon footprints. Wow. Just effing wow.
The world requires cheap, reliable energy. This is critical if poor countries are to achieve a Western standard of living and Western nations maintain or improve upon theirs. I was disgusted by the audacity of Barack Obama (a bigtime hypocrite on this issue) telling young people in Africa that they should not aspire to a Western standard of living, you know, because then they’d create more carbon dioxide, albeit, likely far less than this sanctimonious jerk does. He has multiple houses, including one he extensively remodeled at beach level in Maui—with a giant propane tank, to boot. Sea level rise caused by man-made carbon dioxide is one of their most terrifying boogeymen. He obviously doesn’t fear it. Nobody, anywhere, is selling beach front property at fire sale prices due to sea level rise.
I’m a huge fan of reducing air pollution, but carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. A transition away from fossil fuels is inevitable—and would make for much cleaner air. But that transition must be largely nuclear. Covering the world with solar panels and windmills is not the answer. Greenwashing via “net zero” bookkeeping shenanigans is not the answer. Making us Lilliputian-sized via genetic manipulation is not the answer. If you claim to believe in global warming, but are against nuclear power, you are intellectually a child. A particularly destructive brat, at that.
I encourage people to avail themselves of those who challenge the global warming narrative. These are nice people who have actual data and are willing to discuss and debate it. The other side screeches “settled science” and “ninety-seven percent consensus” and wants all dissent silenced. This alone should make you skeptical. Science is never settled. Real science doesn’t shy away from scrutiny and debate. Remember, as I said above: Censorship is evil. Censorship is never done for noble purposes.
In summary, carbon dioxide is not the threat. The Woke are. We must stop these Four Horsemen and do so now if we want clean air, reliable energy, acceptable levels of legal immigration, proper care for the gender-confused, and free speech. We must not allow the Woke to dictate public policy. If this remains the case, we are doomed. And deservedly so. There’s your existential threat…
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