Awful Truth #2: It is not racist to have immigration laws and enforce these.
It’s what responsible adults do. Decent people, including decent people who immigrated here legally, want immigration laws enforced.
It’s okay to be empathetic toward people desperate to come here for a better life. But rational people understand that everybody who wants to come to live and work in the United States cannot do so—and those allowed to come here must follow the legal immigration process. The Woke and other enablers of illegal immigration know this, but they persist in their fake compassion and childishly squawk that it’s bigoted to enforce immigration laws. This issue is fodder for the Woke to engage in crass political theater—that is until the illegal immigrants end up in their precious enclaves and impact their sanctimonious lives (e.g., the Martha’s Vineyard in 2022).
The current immigration system is not broken, as falsely claimed. It is actively undermined by the Woke for political purposes. Thwarting our immigration laws undermines the rule of law and is patently unfair to those who respect our laws and immigrate here legally, many of whom are non-White and come from the same countries many illegal immigrants come from.
The Woke are the actual racists in regards to illegal immigration. It is racist is to make a political calculation based on race, as is done by those who do not want immigration laws enforced. They believe it benefits them politically based solely on the race of those entering the country illegally. They claim their position is based on kindness, but this is a lie. If the Woke believed illegal immigrants from Latin America were likely to vote Republican someday, they’d insist on a border wall twice as high as the one Donald Trump wanted to build.
The Woke are so obsessed with undermining immigration laws that they even thwart the deportation of illegal aliens who commit serious crimes. It’s profoundly racist not to deport these criminals, since they cause disproportionate harm in immigrant communities, including against other illegal immigrants. Immigrants harmed by these criminals are willingly sacrificed by the Woke.
A nation has a moral obligation to decide if it wants to allow immigration and, if so, from where, in what numbers, and then implement a vetting process related to public health, criminal history, job prospects, and the and ability to assimilate, which includes an acceptance of our Western freedoms. This is not complicated. It’s what governments are supposed to do.
In addition to enforcing immigration laws, we must work on eliminating the causes of illegal immigration, which is to say anything that prevents Third World countries from making life better for their citizens. Everyone on Earth has the right to aspire to a Western standard of living.
Therefore, we must stop deliberately destabilizing governments and seeking regime change for rulers we don’t like. Such efforts, often done at the behest of the military-industrial complex or some other self-serving interest, create millions of refugees who have to go somewhere, and this may be to places they’re not wanted, or not wanted in the numbers who come. The Woke must stop thwarting efforts by Third World countries to improve their economies. Nowhere is such behavior more despicable than the Woke’s eco-imperialism, which prevents less fortunate countries from building the infrastructure necessary to provide cheap, reliable energy or imperiously dictates their land remain fallow or otherwise underdeveloped so that the Woke can expunge their carbon sins with phony-baloney carbon offsets.
Lastly, our country benefits from lawful immigration. I’ve met many immigrants, and I can say with certainty, our country is better off with most of them here. In fact, I’d love to be supreme ruler for one day. There’s a trade I’d readily agree to: I’d keep most of our illegal aliens and kick out of the country an equal number of our Woke. We’d be far better off for this deal. Though, God have mercy on those countries in receipt of our exiles
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