“Clearly there was only one escape for them—into stupidity.”
George Orwell
The Woke are shameless gaslighters and linguistic torturers. This is especially evident with the Woke’s transfascism because transfascist ideology is largely based on silly word games—and forcing people to go along with these inanities.
Über-Woke George Takei took these Orwellian words games to a new level of asshattery. What did he do? George Takei compared banning what he calls “critically necessary trans medical care” for minors to…get this…the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II and events leading to the Holocaust. Really? Protecting children from harm is just like the internment of the Japanese? Protecting children from harm is just like events that led to the Holocaust?
Due to the stupendous stupidity of his claim, I must be blunt. Really blunt. According to Mr. Takei: Not cutting off the healthy penis of a boy is just like the internment of the Japanese and could lead to a holocaust. Not cutting off the healthy breasts or removing the healthy uterus of a girl is just like the internment of the Japanese and could lead to a holocaust. Not chemically sterilizing children by giving them puberty blockers or wrong-sex hormones is just like the internment of the Japanese and could lead to a holocaust. His illogic is demented and moronic—and evil.
If Mr. Takei wants an accurate World War II-related analogy regarding gender deffirming drugs and medical procedures, I suggest he refer to Japanese Unit 731, which operated during World War II and conducted grotesque human experiments on the Chinese and others who were under the rule of the Japanese Empire or refer to Dr. Joseph Mengele who did likewise on prisoners in the German concentration camps (you know, the actual Holocaust). In both cases, children were included among the victims who were experimented on. Minors cannot consent to life-altering, medically unnecessary drugs and medical procedures. The child victims of Unit 731 and Dr. Mengele could not consent to what happened to them, and neither can the child victims of today’s transgender ideology.
Mr. Takei and his fellow Woke are not the protectors of children. They are the enablers of our modern-day Unit 731 and the gender-industrial complex’s Dr. Mengeles. Mr. Takei shows the same blind fanaticism that was evident in both the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire. We must allow him his speech, but we must fight like hell against the implementation of his notions.
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