"The function of the Inquisition was a double one; it existed not only to detect and punish crime, but also (one should perhaps say primarily) to save the soul of the criminal. In order to achieve the latter end, it was essential that the accused should confess his guilt, profess repentance and entreat pardon. If the prisoner refused to confess voluntarily, steps must be taken to persuade him to do so." —Cecil Roth, The Spanish Inquisition This blog post is a lengthy list of talking points regarding the ongoing battle between decent people and transfascism. This is an important fight. At stake are free speech, children, and women’s rights. Sensible transpeople and gays realize that their causes are hurt by transfascists, and they want no part of these lunatic gender ideologues. The essence of transfascism is fascism. Fascism is a fanatical desire to control others, especially their speech and ultimately their thoughts. Fascists fervently insist that such control is necessary to protect those under their subjugation from a manufactured threat, e.g., the clumsily named transphobes--and to ultimately create the perfect world, at least for the faithful. Transfascism is a particularly bizarre type of fascism, one based on a demented gender ideology. This ideology demands of believers and heretics alike that they ignore objective truths known by sane human beings for tens of thousands of years, the uncontroversial concept of the gender binary, male and female, and instead accept--or face dire consequences--their holiest tenet: Men who say they are transwomen are in fact women; women who say they are transmen are in fact men; those who say they are something other than a man or a woman are in fact that very thing they say they are. A transfascist person’s gender assertions can change from one day to another, or throughout the same day, if this is the asserter’s druthers. Merely saying such things makes them true, and it most certainly is not a truth which shall set you free. Such word games seem silly--and it is silly as shit--but the transfascists are deadly serious about forcing the rest of us to comply. Failure to comply is a mortal sin for which there is no mercy or forgiveness, and the sinner is due not merely shame, but personal and professional destruction. The harm and general asshattery caused by transfascists extends from this holiest tenet and their obsession with enforcing it on themselves and others. Under transfascism, people are left with two choices: You either mindlessly accept this tenet as a true believer or you hide your heresy and publicly avow your cowardly compliance--or else. It is not enough for these fascists that a transperson be allowed to live his or her life with the same rights and responsibilities as others. That itself is a heretical belief. No, everyone in the end must, in true Orwellian fashion, stare at the equation 1 + 1 = 2 and swear fealty, from the depth of their souls, that the 2 in this equation is any number but 2. Never, ever 2. Anyone who insists they see a 2 is a bigot, a transphobe, anti-trans. Big Brother himself would appreciate the audacity of this, but I believe he’d be stunned by the fabulous success of what is, in essence, a shrill and moronic tyranny. Doctors now use the term “female penis.” Women who want to protect their sports and spaces are bigots. A transgender person who speaks up against transfascism is a transphobe. This insanity has spread like a malignant cancer into other areas: Uppity Blacks who challenge the Woke’s vileness are “White supremacists.” The Ministry of Truth in Orwell’s 1984 were veritable amateurs when compared to these modern contrivers of newspeak. Most people, including many transpeople, believe transfascism is a preposterous ideology. I sincerely admire the parents, teachers, transpeople, detransitioners, gays, and others who’ve shown courage by speaking up against this ideology and its crazy notions. They speak at school board meetings, before legislative bodies, and on social media. They hold their ground under withering attacks from powerful forces that feign a mantle of victimhood. They are called bigots and transphobes and Nazis, among other obfuscating slurs. They are sneered at by our smug betters. They’ve challenged what is become a cult, a cult which has no limits to its depravity, its delusions and lies, its hellbentedness to crush dissent and cause harm. I hope when the time comes to do my part, I’m able to call up from within myself the bravery you’ve shown. As a small part, certainly not on par with what others have done, I offer up this list. If nothing else, it provides me a chance to organize my thoughts about the madness in which we find ourselves and provides a catharsis in order to preserve my own sanity. (The snarkiness contained herein is an important component of the catharsis. I make no apologies for it.) Firstly, we must not allow our betters to divide us. Deliberate divisiveness via identity politics, along with conjured-up fears, are their primary means of controlling us. Therefore, we must keep in mind that the problem is not transgender people, per se. The problem is the ideology of transfascism and its adherents and enablers, many of whom are not transgender themselves. The transfascists have gleefully (and childishly) weaponized the rare condition of gender dysphoria into a cudgel used for nefarious purposes, particularly to silence and control others. It also provides to the transfascists the cheap high of virtue-signaling, but one that costs its victims dearly. The self-satisfied smugness provided by phony-baloney virtue-signaling is the world’s most toxic narcotic. Secondly, we must recognize--and hold this notion dear--that not every transperson is a transfascist. Many of them aren’t. Reasonable transpeople go about their lives more comfortably in some manner of the opposite sex, but they recognize they aren’t in reality the opposite sex. They don’t insist the rest of the world actively participate in their gender dysphoria. Their mental health condition manifests itself in how they express themselves and interact as best they can with the world around them; it is not manifested as transfascism, which is an obsession to censor and crush dissent, utterly upend societal norms, subvert parental rights, harm children, invade women’s spaces, and lord over others. People of all types, including sensible transpeople, are opposed to transfascism. With these two key points having been said, here are other talking points: 1. We must vigorously defend objective biological truths: • All mammals, including humans, are sexually dimorphic (i.e., two genders): male and female. • The adult male is designed to produce sperm, absent any nullifying medical conditions. The adult female is designed to produce eggs and give birth, absent menopause or any nullifying medical conditions. • Women are adult human females. Men are adult human males. They carry what is commonly known as the XX- and XY-chromosome pairs, respectively. A person’s self-declaration, dress, or behavior does not change this fact. A contrived affirmation to the contrary espoused by morons, cowards, or virtue-signaling fools does not change this fact. Masculine women or effeminate men do not change this fact. Tomboys do not change this fact. Puberty blockers, genital modification surgeries, mastectomies of healthy breasts, or opposite-sex hormones do not change this fact. Tucking techniques or chest binders do not change this fact. Facial feminization surgery for males does not change this fact. Incorrect or made-up pronouns do not change this fact. Rare medical conditions do not change this fact. Legislation does not change this fact. Cowardly journalists or dictionary publishers do not change this fact. An altered birth certificate, passport, or driver’s license does not change this fact. Calling someone a bigot or transphobe or anti-trans does not change this fact. Accusing someone of “hate speech” does not change this fact. Censorship does not change this fact. Fines, firing, or other punishments do not change this fact. The flames of the stake do not change this fact. (I’m okay with being the last person on Earth who believes this fact if it were to come to that sorrowful end.) • No one is born in the wrong body. (My advice is simple: Accept what you are and then make the best of who you are.) • We are not “assigned” a gender at birth. That is absurd transfascist propaganda. The people in the delivery room identify the baby’s gender based on obvious anatomical characteristics unique to males or females. A chromosome test is definitive confirmation, though rarely necessary. (Transfascists want the designation of one’s gender at birth be outlawed--yes, they are indeed this demented.) • Except for the medical condition known as precocious puberty, adolescent development is not a disease to be delayed, blocked, or otherwise thwarted. Growing naturally to adulthood is an immutable part of life and must remain as such. Adolescence can be very difficult. A life without difficulty is not life. (Some of the transgender-related surgeries involving the genitalia are even more problematic if the patient has not first been through a normal puberty; for example, vaginoplasty, metoidioplasty. I say this not intending to encourage such surgeries.) • A person’s gender is not a disease requiring a “cure” or “reassignment” or “affirmation.” • Gender is neither a spectrum nor a social construct. The claim that “it’s a spectrum” is propaganda and is itself an actual social construct; or more accurately, a political construct meant to undermine objective truth and justify transfascist asshattery. • There are rare medical conditions affecting the chromosomes (e.g., XXY) or medical conditions where the male or female anatomy is rendered atypical, but the above definitions unambiguously apply to the vast majority of human beings. The poor souls suffering from these conditions should not be dragged into the gender ideology battle. • Transwomen are not women. They are men who adopt an often-stereotypical facsimile of what they perceive as womanhood. Some transwomen make a sincere effort. In other cases, the attempt is farcical, if not an outright insult to women. (Sometimes the effort, or lack thereof, is an insult to transpeople as well, e.g., Dylan Mulvaney.) • Transmen are not men. They are women who adopt a facsimile of manhood. • Except for very rare medical conditions (e.g., hermaphroditism), there is no such thing as a “nonbinary” person. People making this claim about themselves are attention-seeking idiots. Another viable term for them is “shameless medical disorder appropriators.” • Scientists and healthcare providers who make assertions to the contrary of these objective biological truths are either morons or cowards, likely both. I consider them biology Flatearthers who foolishly undermine the public’s confidence in science and medicine. Non-scientists and non-healthcare providers of any educational level know better. Transpeople who aren’t transfascists know better. • That we must state and defend these biological truths demonstrates both the pervasiveness of the transfascist madness and the cowardice exhibited by many of our so-called leaders. (Shame on them.) 2. People perfectly content with their bodies are to be envied. Many people seek to alter their physical appearance via exercise, dieting, make-up, tattoos, plastic surgery, etc. Sometimes these efforts are excessive and cause physical harm (e.g., steroid use by bodybuilders, anorexia) or result in a grotesque-looking outcome (e.g., the comically inflated collagen lips). An ethical medical practitioner considers a patient’s mental state, motivation, and expectations, including for standard cosmetic surgeries (e.g., breast enhancements). Certain motivations or unrealistic expectations are red flags that the surgery is concomitant with a mental health problem, rather than a reasonable effort at self-improvement. There are people who later regret the tattoo from their youth or the out-of-proportion breast implants. Some tattoo artists refuse to ink a person’s face for this reason. 3. It is appropriate for society to enact laws in order to prevent harm or assure proper consent, such as prohibiting steroid use for non-medical reasons or implementing an age-limit for tattoos. The authorities (e.g., Child Protective Services) are called if parents starve their children. Banning the odious cultural practice of female genital mutilation is a moral imperative. A caring society has a right to limit what a person is allowed to do to his or her body or to another person. By extension, a society has a right to establish and enforce protocols related to bodily changes which are allowed. 4. It is embarrassing to watch cowardly politicians and other officials who are so terrified of the transfascists that they are unable to define a woman when confronted by a request to do so. The frightened look on their faces says it all. The inability or refusal to answer this question accurately should by itself disqualify a person for a leadership position. 5. The influence of transgender ideology is tremendously outsized because it has been weaponized into a cult of transfascism and is used against decent people, including decent transpeople who, like many of us, find its tenets both delusional and harmful. 6. The claim that transgender people are marginalized and oppressed is ludicrous. There are far too many examples in Western countries of societal institutions which have surrendered utterly to transfascist ideology. This includes law enforcement, military, judicial system, corporations, journalism, social media, K-12 education, academia, athletics, healthcare, science, and the entertainment industry. The cowardice of these capitulators does not change the above-mentioned biological facts or any other part of this summary. 7. Gender dysphoria is the only mental illness I’m aware of for which there is a powerful political movement characterized by the following: (1) against finding a cure, (2) insists on “treatment” which includes the removal or modification of healthy body parts, (3) supports the establishment of sanctuary jurisdictions to thwart parents who oppose such treatment for their child, (4) demands that schools hide the child’s condition from his or her parents, and (5) calls sensible sufferers of the condition bigots if they oppose this political movement (i.e., oppose the transfascist narrative). 8. For celebrities it is a status symbol if they or their children suffer from gender dysphoria, though most of the time I believe this is an affectation rather than a legitimate case. Malady appropriation is not unusual for the dunderheaded celebrity class. 9. Believing you were “born in the wrong body” (gender dysphoria) is a mental health disorder and must be treated as such. Hopefully, the person will grow out of this phase and many do. If the patient can’t be cured of his or her dysphoria, then quality psychological therapy which gets the patient able to function reasonably well in society is a laudable goal. (Keep in mind that no human being is perfectly well-adjusted. Only a psychopath fancies him- or herself as such.) 10. The current faddism and contagion effect notwithstanding, true gender dysphoria is a rare condition. Many of the transfascists who claim to be transgender are likely not actually transgender, but are instead suffering from other mental health afflictions, often overlain by a smug, screeching form of pathological narcissism (shrill fascism). 11. People who claim they suffer from gender dysphoria must not be fast-tracked to medical intervention. “First do no harm” applies. As does the concept of minimal invasiveness that results in either a cure or, where a cure is not possible, an ability to live reasonably well with the condition. 12. Proper mental health resources must be provided to a person who claims to suffer from gender dysphoria. This means non-activist therapy, in which the first order of business is finding out if the person is indeed suffering from gender dysphoria or if there are other mental health morbidities in play, rather than true dysphoria. Regardless, addressing any co-morbidities and getting the person to accept his or her gender is preferrable to any other course of action. The transfascists are vehemently against therapy that might get a troubled person to accept his or her actual gender--and demand such therapy be outlawed. As further discussed below, medical intervention (drugs or surgery) must be considered a last resort and only for adults. 13. Where a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is confirmed and it is found impossible to get the person to accept his or her gender, social transition (e.g., dress or other superficial affectations) is preferrable to medical intervention. 14. The accusation that getting a person to accept his or her gender is akin to the conversion therapy once tried with homosexuality is a bullshit claim. Getting a person to accept his or her gender is akin to getting a troubled or self-loathing homosexual to accept his or her homosexuality. The actual conversion therapy related to gender dysphoria includes what is accurately described as chemical castration or chemical sterilization (puberty blockers), wrong-sex hormones, and gender deffirming surgeries. 15. Transfascists make the spurious claim they only want the same rights homosexuals fought for and achieved. This is not true. Transfascists want far more. Nobody can know what is in another person’s mind as to whom the person is romantically or sexually attracted. Likewise, nobody can know what is in another person’s mind if he or she says, “I am more comfortable living as the opposite sex.” Unlike the transfascists, however, a reasonable homosexual or non-transfascist transperson doesn’t demand that other people ignore reality, what their very eyes are telling them. A gay man merely wants the right to love another man in peace. He doesn’t insist the rest of us must pretend he is also a woman and fully accommodate this assertion. Furthermore, homosexuality does not include the demand for the right to medically self-harm oneself. The transfascists on the other hand demand--with consequences for disagreement--that we accept as unarguable truth the bizarre fiction that a chimera such as a “male, nonbinary, transwoman lesbian” exists. Self-harm is this cult’s Holy Sacrament. 16. The platitudinous claim that gender deffirming care must be provided to children, with or without parental consent, otherwise, they’ll kill themselves, is despicable. Transfascists coach kids into using the threat of suicide in order to expedite gender deffirming care. It deliberately consigns troubled children and their frantic parents into a desperate hostage situation for which the ransom paid is irreversible physical harm to the child. For a person having suicidal ideations, medically unnecessary procedures are not a substitute for proper psychological counseling. (Cutting off a boy’s penis prevents suicide? Really? Try harder with the counseling!) Allow me to put this more crassly: A child who threatens to kill himself unless he gets his genitals cut-off is unlikely to be “cured” by the surgery. Though I’m not a mental health professional, I’d bet a lot of money that this child, post-surgery, remains deeply troubled and is at a comparable, if not greater, risk for suicide. 17. The medically unnecessary removal or modification of healthy body parts is akin to the previous long-discredited, practice of lobotomy, which was once a standard treatment for certain mental illnesses. 18. Children cannot consent to medical gender transition. Period. People who care about children--and this includes many transpeople--support the prohibition of gender deffirming care for children. People who care about adults are uncomfortable with allowing these treatments for adults, especially absent proper therapy and safeguards. This is not a “right-wing” position as the transfascists claim. People of all types and from across the political spectrum hold these views--and are viciously attacked for it by our betters and the transfascists. The shrillness and vehemency of the attacks proves ours is the morally correct position. 19. The transfascists are lying when they claim children are not undergoing gender deffirming medical procedures (drugs or surgeries). The transfascists are lying when they say patients are not being fast-tracked to deffirming medical procedures. The transfascists are lying when they claim there are no detransitioners and there is no regret among transpeople who’ve undergone surgical procedures or taken wrong-sex hormones. Transfascists are inveterate liars. 20. Transfascists are deliberately sowing gender confusion among children, particularly vulnerable ones suffering from autism, normal childhood angst, and other problems. (These efforts are working spectacularly well with our gullible adult leaders and dunderheaded celebrities.) 21. Always keep in mind that transfascists are obsessed with having the ability to remove a child’s penis, testicles, healthy breasts, and uterus, with or without parental consent--especially without parental consent. Every one of these surgeries is to them a great victory. Anyone who supports this madness or enables it in any way--and this includes the media, celebrities, politicians, business leaders, among others--is evil. These are the people who crow they’re “protecting trans kids” by irreparably and grievously harming children. (For the cult of transfascism, medicalization is its sacrament of human sacrifice--child sacrifice is apparently what their god desires most.) 22. Parents have the right to expect their child’s education be free of extraneous indoctrination and age-inappropriate materials related to sex, sexuality, or gender ideology. Transfascist efforts to subvert parental rights and steer confused children in secret toward their cult is despicable. That some jurisdictions have codified these odious efforts is shameful. (Teachers have more than a fulltime job teaching the ABCs and Three Rs. Woke nonsense is a distraction from this and undermines the education of our children. It’s also impacting post-secondary education, as evident by the asshattery we see at many colleges.) 23. A commonly held position among decent people is that we must absolutely protect children, but adults who want to medically transition…well, that’s largely up to the adults themselves. I understand the temptation to embrace this position. The transfascists are hellbent on harming children, and fighting against this must be our priority. But vulnerable adults--and someone suffering from gender dysphoria or other mental health disorder is certainly vulnerable--must also be protected from the cult of transfascism. 24. Assume there are adults who are properly diagnosed with the rare condition of incurable gender dysphoria. How is the condition best dealt with at this point? A patient who socially transitions may seem weird to many of us--and, yes, it’s okay for people to think this--but if it allows the person to integrate into society reasonably well, this seems like a good outcome, all things considered. But what about more extreme cases, where the patient wants to avail him- or herself of medical treatment, such as drugs or surgeries? Not so long ago, many people would’ve answered yes to this question because prior to the weaponization of transgenderism, these cases were dealt with by what we assumed were competent and caring (and apolitical) therapists and doctors operating pursuant to ethical safeguards. The notion that such safeguards are bigoted and transphobic would’ve seemed crazy to everyone involved. Such safeguards are true compassion and caring. Hastiness and casualness in order to make a profit or political point (“We’ll show you bigots!) would’ve seemed abhorrent. We assumed surgery was a last-ditch effort to provide some level of relief for these patients who were few in number. Unfortunately, we can no longer assume any of this. Transfascists want no safeguards. The medical-industrial complex cannot be trusted when it now has access to a lucrative cash-cow. Is it possible to get society back to the previous standard of care provided to transpeople, one with appropriate diagnosis and safeguards? Man, I hope so. 25. The issue of adults who want to medically transition is difficult because we must ask ourselves other important questions: At what point do we protect adults from their own decisions? To what extent does society allow an adult to modify his or her body before we intervene (i.e., override the right of bodily autonomy)? Is there some threshold of modification beyond which is itself evidence that a person is no longer competent to consent? (I’ve seen this threshold crossed in cases of excessive plastic surgery involving non-transpeople who end up with a freakish appearance.) 26. Irrespective of legality, is it ethical for the healthcare profession to offer medically unnecessary surgeries or drugs, especially when it involves removing healthy body parts and may result in serious complications and the need for lifelong medical care? I’m increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of medical transitioning for adults, which I personally consider medical malpractice--but does this justify stopping this in all cases, or only some cases? Should the medical profession police itself or should the government get involved? 27. Transfascism makes it difficult to provide proper assessment and treatment for people suffering from gender dysphoria. The condition is now treated as a religion rather than a mental health issue; in fact, the transfascists insist it’s not a mental illness, yet they want the person to have access to extensive medical treatment, without delay or proper safeguards. The transfascists claim any delay or safeguards is transphobic. 28. Unbiased research involving transgenderism is not for the faint of heart. A researcher who investigates a hypothesis or comes to a conclusion in conflict with transfascist ideology is attacked and risks profound consequences (e.g., loss of livelihood). It is increasingly unlikely that research with the possibility of an untoward conclusion would be approved in the first place. Academia and science are rife with cowards and frauds, which is itself another problem which must be dealt with. 29. There are non-transfascist transpeople who come across as sensible people. They may have undergone medical transitioning to some degree or extensively. Legitimate therapy may have concluded this was the best course of action for the patient. I respect these people, and they are vitally important allies in the battle against transfascism. 30. Getting a person suffering from true gender dysphoria to accept his or her gender is preferrable to transitioning. Social transitioning is preferrable to medical transitioning. Medical transitioning is a last resort and must have appropriate safeguards. These safeguards must include a proper diagnosis and therapy prior to drugs or surgeries. Doctors and insurers must be held liable for adverse complications arising from these drugs and procedures. 31. Even transpeople who express no regrets regarding their decision to medically transition report serious complications and the resultant need for lifelong medical care. Some of these people have publicly stated that medical transition should be a last resort. 32. There are reasonable transpeople who’ve socially and/or medically transitioned in order to live as their perception of the opposite sex. These people are opposed to children taking puberty blockers or otherwise medically transitioning, and argue medical transitioning for adults must include accompanying safeguards (e.g., quality therapy, a reasonable waiting period prior to surgery, a patient who fully understands the consequences and potential complications). 33. There are people grievously harmed by gender deffirming care. This includes transpeople and detransitioners (formerly trans). Their stories must be heard. The hatred and vitriol the transfascists aim at the people who dare share their stories reveals the evil of transfascism and that it most certainly is not an ideology of compassion and enlightenment. Transfascists despise apostates even more than they despise heretics. There are many examples of harm that people have shared on social media and elsewhere. A rational person availing him- or herself of this information cannot help but be deeply concerned about gender dysphoria and its hijacking by the transfascists. I challenge anyone who disputes the contents of this post to review these stories and learn firsthand the madness that is transfascism and the very real harm it’s caused. 34. Adults have the right to a large degree of bodily autonomy, but this does not mean society must indulge it or become an active participant. 35. Gender dysphoria is essentially a delusion (one can even say it's "gender appropriation"). The extent of the delusion and its impact on the person’s ability to function in society can be determined by good therapy. Other people cannot be compelled to participate in another person’s delusion. Forcing people to do so is not just tyranny, but it also undermines the ability to reasonably accommodate true transpeople. Sensible transpeople understand this. 36. What about people who now claim to be transracial or transable, even to the point of doing themselves harm? An extreme example of this is the person who deliberately blinded herself because she believed, “I was always meant to be blind.” Such catastrophic self-harm is clearly the result of a serious mental illness, one that must be treated, not exalted or affirmed and certainly not actively enabled. (God help us if someone comes up with a flag for the transableists!) 37. Gender deffirming treatment is an attempt to make a person into something he or she isn’t. But there are reasonable transpeople who seem relatively well-adjusted. They are in stark contrast to the transfascist transpeople who are dangerous lunatics and are determined to harm children and vulnerable adults. Not surprisingly, the Woke and their enablers vilify the former and laud the latter. 38. A person suffering from gender dysphoria should be allowed to live his or her life with the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else. One of these responsibilities is allowing another person the same rights you want for yourself. 39. Transpeople are not entitled to special rights or privileges (e.g., the right to dictate another person’s language, compete in opposite-sex sports, access women-only spaces, or upend societal norms). Those transpeople (i.e., the transfascists) who desire to lord over others are not entitled to our indulgence; in fact, we must actively oppose their tyranny. 40. People are free to think transgenderism is weird or disapprove of it. A society needs some weirdness to keep it interesting; likewise, different opinions keep us from a miserable sameness and the danger of groupthink. What matters is how you treat people despite what you think of them--and this goes in both directions. 41. People must not be compelled to deny objective truths; for example, forced to avow that a transwoman is a woman or use incorrect pronouns. Such impositions are Orwellian tyranny, and tyranny is always falsely sold to people as necessary for their protection and well-being. To quote Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: “There is no time in history where the people censoring speech were the good guys.” (This is a great quote, but please be aware that Mr. Kennedy has previously supported censorship in areas that suit him. Sigh.) 42. Claiming that misgendering someone (which in fact is accurately gendering the person) or deadnaming them is “violence” makes a mockery of actual violence. Words are not violence. Violence is violence. 43. He/Him/His are pronouns associated with males. She/Her/Hers are pronouns associated with females. They/Them/Their are pronouns used for plurality or as a placeholder where the gender of the person is not known. A person who insists that people use They/Them/Their pronouns in reference to said person is a narcissistic asshat. I must be blunt here: Tell the person making such a demand to FUCK OFF, or a more decorous version of this. Journalists, grow some balls and stop using this deliberately ignorant crap in your articles. Bottom line: Everyone, including transpeople, don’t declare your pronouns and refuse to state your pronouns if asked. Tell the requester that you’re a supporter of free speech and it’s up to the speaker to decide the pronouns he or she uses in reference to others. The resultant cogency or decorum is what it is, but the important thing is that doing so is a powerful weapon against transfascism. 44. If you don’t like the pronouns used in reference to you, this is at worst impoliteness. It’s not hate speech or violence or oppression or some other overly dramatic claim of atrocity. The world is a far better place with a measure of impoliteness, than it would be if we were subject to forcibly imposed pronoun fetishism. (It’s also impolite to declare your pronouns or ask others to use inaccurate or made-up pronouns.) 45. A gay history professor correctly disparaged the pronoun madness as a modern-day “loyalty oath.” If someone ask you for your pronouns or announces his or hers, you are dealing with a person who is a fascist (perhaps smiling at first) or a virtue-signaling tool or a debased coward. You are not dealing with someone who is merely being polite or showing solidarity with a “marginalized” group, despite any phony-baloney protestations to the contrary. 46. Schools, employers, and others must not be allowed to force people to declare their pronouns, either orally or in writing, or use incorrect pronouns. This is a cultish tactic meant to undermine objective truth, enforce and verify compliance, and root out potential troublemakers (which is the purpose of loyalty oaths in a fascist society). 47. Furthermore, stop referring to male rapists who claim to be transwomen as She/Her/Hers. This nonsense has devolved into an über-Orwellian situation where the “feelings” of the rapist far outweigh the commission of a horrific crime. This bullet point by itself shows the world is now divided into two races of humans: (1) pronoun cultists and their cowardly enablers and (2) the rest of us who use proper grammar (especially in reference to goddamned rapists). This pronoun bullshit is not a benign exemplar of politeness or solidarity with an oppressed group; it is malevolence masquerading as compassion and tolerance. The transfascist reaction to pronoun dissent proves my point: They intend swift and dire punishment for noncompliance, including jail time. As stated above, my suggestion is simple: The speaker decides the pronouns to use in reference to someone else. Period. 48. Speaking of rape: It is abhorrent that transfascists tell lesbians they must date transwomen (penised or formerly penised), otherwise, they are bigots and transphobes. Transwomen who insist they are lesbians (i.e., men who want to date or have sex with females) are, technically speaking, heterosexual males. The pushy ones are potential rapists. 49. A basic human right is the right to be attracted to whomever you want, and this includes dating preferences. Dating preferences are not bigotry as transfascists stupidly assert. Compelling a person into a relationship or sex, against his or her will, is RAPE. (A so-called lesbian dating website site kicks off lesbians who refuse to date transwomen. The smug explanation given by the woman--she claims she is nonbinary--who runs this is site is breathtaking in its pathological level of irony: she calls such lesbians, of course, transphobes. Does that mean that a gay man who doesn’t want to have sex with women is a misogynist?) 50. Birth certificates must accurately reflect a person’s gender. Changing a birth certificate to indicate an incorrect gender is perjury. To avoid confusion in an emergency or otherwise, having a person’s ID also include a denotation of transgenderism is a reasonable accommodation (an up-to-date photo also helps). 51. A person who does not conform to stereotypical norms related to masculinity or femininity is not necessarily transgender or otherwise gender confused. Some folks are just wired different. Effeminate males and masculine women who might be gay are not necessarily people who are in the “wrong body” and need to transition. This “transing away the gay” is abhorrent, regardless of one’s opinion about homosexuality. (The person also might not be gay!) 52. There is also the equally despicable practice of “transing away autism,” whereby vulnerable autistic individuals are swept up into the cult of transfascism. 53. Single-person unisex restrooms are a reasonable accommodation for transpeople and others who desire privacy. (I often prefer these myself!) 54. Women-only spaces must be protected and reserved for women. (Perhaps we need a third set of restrooms, showers, locker rooms, etc., designated for the Woke.) 55. Women’s sports must be protected and reserved for women only. Implementing standards based on the “level of transitioning” or blood testosterone levels is not a workable solution. The aforementioned definition of women must apply. 56. Physical fitness and participation in group activities is important for everyone. A reasonable accommodation for transpeople is to have trans categories in competitive sports. There is, though, the issue of numbers. In many cases, there may not be enough transpeople involved in a sport to create a viable third category (though transfascists via indoctrination would love to change this). One possible option to consider for certain circumstances, assuming there is not an issue of safety, is allow the transperson to compete, but not factor into scoring or awards. For example, a transfemale runner participates in a race, but only the females are assigned finishing placements or given awards. (A heroic transperson athlete suggesting this would be world-changing for the better--and then the person would certainly be attacked by the transfascists.) 57. The transfascists and their enablers viciously attack women who rightfully express concerns about the fairness and appropriateness of transfemales (men and boys) competing in female sports. They demand women shut up and accept, without question or protest, this new world order. The San Francisco Chronicle is a typical supporter of transfascism by referring to anyone who dares protest males in female sports as “right-wing” or “anti-trans.” (The Chronicle also believes that the right of a person to own a sports team or a city to host a Super Bowl should be based on passing an ideological purity test.) 58. Anyone who says that males do not have a biological advantage over females in many sports is either a blatant liar or an abject moron. An example of moronic gaslighting from the San Francisco Chronicle: “Trans women and girls have come under harsher attack than trans men and boys, due to a perceived but scientifically murky advantage from [sic] people assigned male at birth.” The reporter who wrote this is ignorant (deliberately or otherwise) of the vicious attacks, including physical assaults, the transfascists make against those who challenge their cult. I wonder if the reporter would support collapsing the men’s and women’s categories in all sports into an open category for everyone. 59. Males, including transwomen, do not belong in female prisons. Prisons must protect all vulnerable inmates from harm, via protective custody or some other means; this includes a transwoman or effeminate nontrans male placed in a men's prison. 60. A person’s excessive quirkiness, transgender or otherwise, may garner lots of attention, both good and bad, wanted and unwanted, especially if the person puts him- or herself out there on social media or otherwise in the public eye. It is unrealistic to expect all comments and opinions regarding quirky behavior be positive and affirming. To demand only positive and affirming comments is pathological narcissism. Comments a person doesn’t like are not violence or hate speech. 61. I do not expect anyone, including a transperson, to be perfect or think just like me. It is the Woke who are shrilly insistent that everyone infallibly embrace their ideology--or else. 62. Language is everything in this battle: • Gender affirming care is more accurately described as gender deffirming treatment. In the case of children, it’s genital mutilation. • Puberty blockers are chemical castrating or sterilizing agents. • Cross-sex hormones are wrong-sex hormones. • Misgendering is accurate gendering. • So-called anti-trans legislation is meant to protect children and vulnerable adults. • So-called anti-drag queen legislation is not a ban on drag shows; it is meant to restrict the adult form of this entertainment to adults-only performances. • Anti-trans or transphobia is actually pro-women’s rights, pro-women’s spaces, pro-protecting children, pro-fairness, and anti-censorship. • Age-restrictions for certain books is not “book banning.” When you’re of the appropriate age, you can read them. (The Woke are the ones who want to ban books so that nobody, adult or child, can read them, ever. Rewriting books to make them wokeified is the same as censorship.) • Words are not violence. Violence is violence. • There is no such thing as hate speech. It’s speech an overly delicate person doesn’t like. • Refuse to use transfascist terms such as birthing person, people who menstruate, female penis, chestfeeding, cis-woman, transwoman lesbian, peoplekind, nonbinary, gender fluid, etc. • Refuse to state your pronouns. Let people use the pronouns they want to use in reference to others. • Rather than transwoman, I prefer the term “trans-identifying man,” which is a man who wishes to take on a persona of womanhood. Ditto “trans-identifying woman” rather than transman. (It’s more honest and the math is easier to keep straight.) 63. The transfascists insist that “trans rights are human rights.” No one is special in regard to rights. Human rights are human rights: • You have the right to free speech. You do not have the right to silence, disrupt, or dictate the speech of others. • You have the right to peaceful assembly. You do not have the right to prevent others from doing likewise. • You have the right to be protected from actual violence. You do not have the right to irreversibly harm children. • As an adult, you have the right to a large degree of bodily autonomy, but society may implement safeguards and reasonable limitations. Professions may do likewise. • You have the right to be a weirdo if it doesn’t harm anyone--I’m sure there are many things about me that people think are weird. Other people have the right to consider you a weirdo. (A kumbaya world would be sickening world to live in.) 64. There is no trans genocide. Murders occur among all demographics. Most murders of transpeople are not related to the victim’s transgenderism. All murder victims are worthy of justice. (Ironically, transfascists commonly make vile threats of violence against feminists, sensible transgender people, and others who refuse to bend the knee to their cult. Transfascists have also committed assault and murder.) 65. The words "transphobe" and "bigot" are so overused as to have become utterly meaningless. Elected officials and the heads of societal institutions must stop being afraid of being called these names. So, there you have it. A list to mull over. Do I offer any final suggestions? Yes. I implore all decent people to come together to fight transfascism. The transfascists and their enablers (e.g., San Francisco Chronicle) consistently and deliberately mischaracterize their opponents as being “right-wing.” This is another transfascist lie. If there is a silver lining to this madness, it is that fighting transfascism is a non-partisan cause, a unifying one that is supported by a wide spectrum of society (this is a true spectrum, unlike the made-up one for gender): Right and Left, rich and poor, religious folks and atheists, lesbians and gay men and disapprovers of homosexuality, feminists and traditionalists, parents and the childless, young and old, people of all races. Detransitioners, sensible drag queens, and non-transfascists transpeople are speaking up against transfascism--God bless their courage. People who may disagree on other issues can find common ground and rally around this important cause, and perhaps discover that in many ways we aren’t so different, after all. Our betters deliberately foment divisiveness amongst us. In addition to “right-wing,” transfascists and their enablers call understandably concerned people “transphobes” and “anti-trans” and “bigots.” They are profoundly wrong. I call these concerned people “decent people” who are the ones truly showing compassion and caring, and fighting for the rights of women and the safety of our children. Good luck, everyone.
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