“A transwoman is a different sort of man, not a different sort of woman.”
—Marcus Dib
We start with a refresher on basic pronouns…
Male: he, him, his
Female: she, her, hers
Plural: they, them, their
Next, we consider a most unfortunate state of insanity in which the sane find ourselves, as no sane person would’ve guessed that pronouns, a humdrum part of grammar, would become a weapon of fascist oppression and that the pronoun declarations and inquires of cultists and other fools would supplant what our very own eyes tell us and continue to tell us.
Conformance or complicity with the tenets of transgender ideology (transfascism) requires that a male who so desires be referred to using she/her/hers pronouns or that a likewise delusional female be referred to with he/him/his pronouns or the insipid they/them/their for those who insist they are nonbinary. Amping up the asshattery, there are also oodles of made-up pronouns that these people demand be used, such as zie, zer, frog, and frogself. Keep in mind the transfascist cult member’s “gender identity” can change, even throughout the day, and you are expected to infallibly use the correct pronouns; otherwise, you’re guilty of hate speech, White supremacy, colonialism, bigotry, transphobia, and even violence. Yes, the use of correct grammar is now violence in the minds of the demented transfascists.
Declaring the pronouns a person wants used in reference to oneself and decreeing that others do likewise is the “Heil Hitler” of the Woke, serving to demonstrate one’s fealty or capitulation to the cause of transfascism or to flush out troublemakers who either refuse to comply or who conform but without the requisite alacrity and enthusiasm. The degree to which our societal institutions surrendered to this madness is pathetic, not unlike the submission of the Weimar Republic’s institutions to Nazis fascism.
Sane people readily recognize the males and females among us with a high degree of accuracy, and this includes identifying the males and females cosplaying as the opposite sex or a made-up one. Sane people use accurate pronouns when it would be tiresome to repeat a person’s name over and over or when a person’s gender is known (or obvious) but not his or her name. Pronouns are often used when the referred to person is not present; in fact, he or she may be thousands of miles away. Pronoun usage regarding someone is not as common when in a face-to-face conversation with that person, which makes the transfascists particularly controlling and narcissistic because they want to control your language even if you’re thousands of miles away.
When the transfascist says, “My pronouns are ___” or “I use _____ pronouns,” he or she does not mean that these are his or her pronouns or ones he or she uses, but these are now YOUR pronouns to use, YOUR newly imposed grammar. What the transfascist really means is that “These are the pronouns you shall use in reference to me—or else.” That these pronouns are inaccurate is not beside the point: It is the point.
There is also the torture of plural pronouns in the furtherance of transfascism. The they/them/their pronouns are plural, except when used as a placeholder for a person whose gender is unknown. Ignore the retarded English teachers who’ve been co-opted by the transfascists and claim that the use of they/them/their is acceptable for an individual whose “gender” is known. Ignore these pronoun decrees, just as the Soviets should’ve ignored the mad botany of Trofim Lysenko.
Here are examples of sentences:
Proper (sane) grammar:
“Jim? I really like him. He’s arriving next week, and he’s bringing his friends and his dog.”
“Someone left their wallet in the waiting area. We’re trying to find out whose it is, so we can get it back to them.”
Proper (albeit tiresome) grammar:
“Jim? I really like Jim. Jim’s arriving next week. Jim’s bringing Jim’s friends and Jim’s dog.”
It is obvious that without pronouns the use of Jim over and over would drive the listener or reader mad.
Insane grammar (Jim insists he’s “nonbinary” and we must use plural pronouns in reference to him).
“Jim? I really like them. They is arriving next week. They is bringing their friends and their dog.” (Whose dog is it?)
(Many journalists genuflect to the they/them/their nonsense, and the articles written about a nonbinary asshat scream out with cultish discordance and unnecessary confusion. Its use is awkward and confusing as hell and makes the speaker/writer, as well as the subject, sound like a sanctimonious retard. Knock this shit off!)
The use of proper grammar seems straight-forward, but in today’s world-gone-mad you better keep in mind that if you’re on Mars and referring to a gender-confused male back on Earth, such as Dylan Mulvaney, you better damn well use she/her/hers in reference to him if you know what’s good for you. Mr. Mulvaney wants you in jail for accurately gendering him, a crime he and his fellow transfascists call misgendering.
“Yes, it’s really this crazy” is what I’d tell an incredulous George Orwell were he magically transported to our present time. The rulers of Oceania didn’t think to go this wild with the bastardization of language. Indeed, the most retarded aspect of the transfascist ideology is the pronoun game. This silly game requires the rest of us use wrong pronouns when referring to a gender-confused (or gender-contrived) person and that non-confused people state their pronouns, as well. It’s willful ignorance in furtherance of toxic tolerance.
“Yes, Mr. Orwell, accurately gendering someone is the crime of misgendering according to these fascists.” And I do mean crime because the transfascist pathological narcissism intends for there to be serious consequences for noncompliance: job loss, expulsion from school, deplatforming from social media sites, and criminal penalties (including jail time).
Initially, the transfascists put a smiley face on their control of language and duped many well-meaning people into compliance: a gender-confused person humbly suggested the “preferred pronouns” to be used by others, in which case these were pronouns opposite the person’s actual sex. Preferred quickly transmogrified into “use—or else…” And then came the made-up pronouns and nonbinary palaver, at which point everyone possessing at least a modicum of sense should’ve realized the insidious nature of the pronoun game: it’s about control and subjugation by forcing us to ignore patent reality.
The term “preferred pronouns” is still used amongst the transfascists in reference to these insisted-upon pronouns, but to some of them this is considered bigoted. Preferred? We’re just supposed to know or not assume and instead ask; but then asking is also bigoted because mindreading is a requisite to avoid running afoul of the trans-inquisitors. And don’t forget the ones whose “gender-fluidity” results in regular changes to their pronouns, daily, weekly, or whatever timeframe they see fit to impose on the world. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll develop the ability to read minds, though I shudder to think about what goes on inside the heads of these people.
The use of incorrect pronouns was never about compassion or sympathy for the gender-confused. If that were the case, then noncompliance would at worst result in the offender being considered a rude jerk. The transfascists make no secret of their intent. These morons post videos making it clear their pronouns are mandatory, not preferred, and shrill ones like Dylan Mulvaney and his enablers want violators to experience personal destruction and criminal penalties for noncompliance. Indeed, elected enablers of transfascism (aka transmaidens) are more than willing to codify compliance and requisite penalties.
If Orwell’s 1984 brought to our attention that language is a weapon to be wielded in the implementation of totalitarianism, then the transfascists made it the Tsar Bomb salted with cobalt.
With this background screed in place, let’s examine the eight C’s of pronoun usage.
The cultists are true believers in transgender ideology, and they embrace it with jihadist fanaticism. They fully believe that their deliberate confusion about sex/gender is reality; not just reality for them but for everyone else. There is no notion that is too crazy to become a tenet of this cult, and a declaration of any transfascist falsehood makes it in incontrovertible truth. In Orwellian terms, the cultists believe that 2 + 2 = 5, and they are adamant as hell that you likewise fall in line—or else. A person with XY chromosomes, a penis, and testicles is a woman if he says he is one. No surgery or chemicals are required, no “social transitioning” is necessary, no diagnostic standard shall be cottoned, no formal definition of woman is to be entertained or dared spoken, since any of that is transphobic gatekeeping of what it means to be a woman.
The cultists insist that a transwoman is a real biological woman, one capable of menstruation, menstrual cramps, pregnancy, and lactation. They also believe that transwoman possess no inherent advantage when competing against real women in sports. The cultists hate the term real women because they consider it a dog-whistle signaling that transwomen aren’t real women, which just to make clear: THEY AREN’T REAL WOMEN. The cultists coined the term “cis-women” in reference to biological women, and this moronic term is intended to imply that transwomen and cis-women are both merely a type of woman. (Transwomen are MEN, so they are a type of MAN.)
A cult is dangerous and harmful to its members. The trans-cult is far worse than a run-of-the-mill cult because it intends to sweep all of us into its madness and has been largely successful in many countries. At least the People’s Temple had the decency to confine their cult’s harm to a jungle clearing in Guyana. Not so the trans-cult whose scope knows no limits and whose poisoned Kool-Aid is dispensed in firehose quantities.
The complicit come across as true believers, but the complicit know transgender ideology is insane, yet publicly claim otherwise. The complicit are inveterate hypocrites: If a complicit couple wants a surrogate pregnancy, they damn well know what a female is when they search for their rent-a-womb. Just try and signup Dylan Mulvaney for the job and see how they’d react!
The complicit are the willing Woke enablers of transgender ideology (aka transmaidens). They are themselves not gender-confused, but they empower this poisonous ideology to flourish. They ally themselves with the transfascists because it serves their addiction to virtue-signaling. “Look at me, I say that transwomen are real women! I’m a good person, not like those right-wing bigots!”
When asked to define “woman” the complicit regurgitate the cult’s foundational tenets: “A woman is anyone who says/thinks they are a woman” and “Transwomen are real women.” The complicit willingly put their pronouns in the signature lines of their emails and social media posts, as a show of solidarity with the cultists. They do this even when there are no consequences for noncompliance.
The complicit are the foot soldiers who allow the evil of transfascism to harm women, children, and vulnerable adults. As a show of sanctimonious fealty, they are eager to sacrifice the gender-confused to mutilating surgeries, powerful wrong-sex hormones, and sterilizing agents. They are fine-and-dandy with the cult’s willingness to employ emotional blackmail when used to sacrifice children to unethical medical procedures: “Would you rather have a live daughter or a dead son?” is part of their Rosary.
The complicit include the elected officials who pass laws in support the cult’s ideology. They also mischaracterize as “anti-trans” those laws which are intended to protect women, children, vulnerable adults, and our collective sanity from the harm of transfascism.
The co-opted are those who should damn well know better and who’ve suddenly forgotten that human beings, as is true for all mammals, are a sexually dimorphic species—male and female. The co-opted willingly espouse transfascist ideology—and look particularly stupid for doing so. These include the scientists, English teachers, and dictionary publishers who go along to get along (and get grants, employment, or kudos). Thus, we are cursed with the biologist who claims sex is not binary, the physician who uses the term “female penis,” and the dictionary publisher who now obfuscates the definition of “woman” and insists that “they” can be used in the singular when a person’s gender is known.
The co-opted are often motivated by money or status. Trans-medicine is now a huge multibillion-dollar business. Laudation (from fools) is yours to be had for going along with this madness. The co-opted provide a patina of scholarly authority to the insane claims of the transfascists.
The cowards know transgender ideology is bullshit and know it’s harmful. The cowards know it should be stopped but go along because they’re afraid to speak out. The cowards dutifully and without protest put their pronouns in their documents if ordered to do. When asked to define woman, a look of paralyzing fear sets itself on their faces. They know what a woman is but are afraid to say it—an adult human female. A sufficient number of cowards are necessary for evil to flourish. We’ve more than enough.
The connivers are the ones behind the scenes financing this madness or wielding it for political advantage. Some are wealthy backers of this ideology (e.g., Pritzker family). Some relish that this ideology is a stupendously useful weapon to keep society divided amongst itself, which affords them power over us. The conniver who originally came up with the idea that pronouns could undermine society and solidify the power of our overlords was, quite frankly, a mad genius.
The contrivers know they’re not the opposite sex (or a made-up one) but claim to be transgender for nefarious reasons. These are men who use the “trans card” to gain access to women’s spaces (e.g., prisons, locker rooms, sports). Some are sexual fetishists of the most depraved sort (e.g., castration fetishists). Others are autogynephiles for whom transfascism allows the open display of their fetish and requires the rest of us participate in it.
Since the definition of “women” is dumbed down into nothingness, the contrivers are given fabulous leave to indulge their malignancies. Saying the magic words, “I identify as a woman,” cowers people in positions of authority into comical impotence and opens up amazing possibilities for the fetishist to act the fool.
The clueless are nice people who are oblivious to the harm of transgender ideology, including its overt threats for noncompliance. If asked to do so, the clueless go along and use a person’s preferred pronouns or include their own pronoun declaration with nary a thought. The clueless sleep peacefully as the trains rumble clickety-clack toward the death camps.
The courageous are those with something to lose but who refuse to go along with this madness. They refuse to use incorrect pronouns; they protest against odious trans ideology infecting our schools; they testify against proposed cult legislation. Some of the courageous have suffered job loss, expulsion from school, and even arrest. The courageous realize that the transfascists aren’t fucking around, and the sooner everyone realizes this the better. God bless the courageous. They are our only hope.
(Included among the courageous are transpeople who are not transfascists and who speak out against transfascism and its mad tenets. They admit that gender dysphoria is a mental health condition. They are not pronoun fascists and do not want children subjected to the harm of trans medicalization.)
How to be free
If you want to be free, you must respect the basic human right to free speech and free thought. Do not compel speech. Do not punish speech you don’t like. Do not let anyone weaponize speech or impose censorship. Defend the speech of those you disagree with, perhaps loathe.
If you want to be free, and this includes the gender-confused, refuse to play the pronoun game. When asked about your pronouns, refuse to participate. Instead, say that the speaker or writer decides which ones to use in reference to another person, the speaker decides the degree of cogency or politeness. Period. Do not offer up “my pronouns are ____” or ask someone else to do likewise. Do not state “your pronouns” in your emails, resume, or other documents.
If you want to be free, it must be illegal to mandate that someone to ask or declare pronouns. I don’t go as far as to prohibit someone from being a dumbass and declaring his or her pronouns, but these fools must absolutely be prohibited from collectivizing their madness (or connivance) by roping in the unwilling (i.e., sane) among us.
If you want to be free, you must have courage. If someone insists you offer up your pronouns, perhaps with a malevolent cultist smile, or insists you use the inaccurate ones he or she wants used, respond as follows: “Oh, I’m sorry; I identify as someone who realizes the speaker or writer decides what pronouns to use in reference to someone else and I don’t give a shit about your pronouns.” A transperson saying this to his or her inquisitor would be particularly epic!
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