Can fat lesbians save the world?

Yes. But to do so, they must fight in support of free speech.

A bloke in Switzerland was charged with “defamation and discrimination” and sentenced to 60 days in jail for calling a journalist a “fat lesbian” in a Facebook video. This punishment is both dumb and dangerous. If you believe in freedom, this should terrify you. Really terrify you.

In a free society there is no context possible where a person would face punishment for calling someone a fat lesbian. Period. The government cannot have the authority to punish tweets, posts, and other utterances that an overly delicate fascist doesn’t like. The fundamental characteristic of fascist behavior is the silencing of others. Make no mistake: The person complaining about the quip and the people formally punishing the person for it are straight-up fascists. Anyone lauding this jail sentence is either a fascist or a cowardly enabler of fascism.

Free speech is under threat throughout the West despite it being the bedrock of a free society. There are many people in the United States who want what they consider wrong-speech to be severely punished. They are adamant and gleeful about it—in a manner suggestive of a sadistic concentration camp guard. These fascists are fools. Dangerous ones. A free society cannot exist without freedom of speech. Fat lesbians can save the world by speaking out against this outrageous sentence and in favor of free speech.

Yes, fat lesbians have with this incident an opportunity to strike a blow against those who are hellbent on controlling our speech and other forms of expression, as well as our very thoughts. The time for courage and a respect for a fundament human right is now.

Dear fat lesbians, rise up and tell the world that you are tough enough to endure indecorous speech, including banal insults such as this and much worse. Tell the world that the existence of offensive speech is what guarantees free speech for all of us, including fat lesbians. Tell the world you do not want this bloke punished in any manner and that he must be free to speak his mind without repercussions.

Portly, same-sex attracted ladies, you can save the world. I pray you make the most of this opportunity.

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