[This is from an unpublished work, Bonfire of the Inanities, which was written in response to the BLM craziness that erupted after the death of George Floyd.]
Another vital thing to accept is the obvious fact that mankind’s progress is imperfect as fuck, and abounds with ups and downs, amazing steps forward and tragic steps backward; but we pray we continue the remarkable worldwide improvements which have resulted in less poverty, longer lives, and more individual freedom. These are profound successes that should be celebrated, and further built upon. Surely, only a fool would thwart continued improvement in these areas—or deliberately go backwards.
The Woke are absolute fools; therein lies the problem.
The Woke person who gets into a snit over the use of “man” or “mankind” has other ideas, and these include goals a sane person finds abhorrent. Their insane plans include more poverty and a shitload less freedom. As previously mentioned, a particularly ominous demand from a sect of the Cult of Global Warming is “degrowth must happen.” Should this result in shorter lifespans, they’ll likely consider that a bonus (i.e., smaller carbon footprints). The Woke also want far fewer carbon footprints. The word fewer in this context is tossed around by them with stunning insouciance, particularly when you dig deeper and find out what they mean by fewer, let alone consider how they might go about achieving it. The Woke mean billions fewer of their fellow human beings.
Taken in the context of their hysteria, this cavalier notion of depopulation should terrify any sane person. As justification for their ideological pathology, they use terms such as existential threat, extinction, apocalypse, greatest threat humankind has ever faced (“humankind”—of course), we only have ____ years left (fill in any number you wish and keep moving it forward as the predictions fail to materialize), etc. Combine the belief there are far too many of us with the claimed cataclysmic threat this poses, and you have a recipe for…holy shit.
The rest of us must resist this. Now. Decent people everywhere depend on it. Their very lives depend on it.
Call the Woke out on this insanity. Ask the following questions and demand specific answers:
- How many fewer?
- Fewer of which groups?
- How do they intend to achieve it?
- What’s the timeline?
Should the Woke’s global warming madness eventually lead to genocide, I won’t be surprised. And neither should you. Greta Thunberg would make a great perfect death camp commandant.
We must accept that each of us is chained to a past and which we must invariably drag with us every step we take on our life’s journey. We must be stronger than this weight if we are to move forward in our lives. Inevitably, our past includes things we’ve done that are shameful, embarrassing, and perhaps illegal. If you’re without sin, perhaps you won’t mind if the rest of us take a peek at your Internet search history or in the crawl space under your house. Personally, unless a person is looking at child porn or hacking into the launch codes for nuclear missiles, I don’t give a damn what anyone does on online—and neither should you.
In the pre-Internet days, how you dealt with your past was a very personal matter. The means by which a person moved on, atoned, and did better were literally life-altering decisions to make. Some decisions were the right ones. Some were the wrong ones. The results of some remained indeterminate, perhaps to this day.
The Internet teems with tattletales, voyeurs, and exhibitionists. Essentially, it’s officious hall monitors, peeping Tom’s, and pervert flashers now armed with nuclear weapons. Nowadays, everybody is involved in your sins—and that most assuredly is not a good thing. The untoward incidents, missteps, and milestones in our lives certainly does not need eight billion people sticking their noses into the situation via the infernal Internet. This mass voyeurism masquerading as moral superiority is at best ludicrous; often it’s counter-productive, if not outright harmful. It’s almost always none of our business.
“But the customer at the store called the other customer a racial slur! I saw the video!”
That’s unfortunate. But that’s between the two of them, or perhaps the store’s management or the police should the incident escalate to either of those levels. You know who doesn’t need to be involved just because the Internet can make it so? The other 8 billion of us who now serve as judge, jury, and executioner regarding another person’s indecorous language. The gleeful personal destruction of this person’s life is rarely warranted; and even if warranted, any punishment should certainly not be imposed absent appropriate due process, nor should it be wild disproportionate in relation to the sin. The Internet has no time to indulge due process—the next click awaits. (This won’t be the last time I say this, so my apologies ahead of time for my repetitiveness on this and other things.)
We are all different—a ridiculously obvious statement, but to our Woke tormentors, the so-called champions of diversity, such a notion is a completely alien concept. People evolve and devolve throughout their life. People make mistakes, deliberately or inadvertently. People do and say things that others like, don’t like, or are indifferent to.
We definitely need a shitload more indifference in the world, directed toward the deluge of inanities to which outrage and vengeance is now expected.
“Someone wrote the word queer on the school restroom wall! Are you saying that’s not an outrage!”
Again, with the yelling.
Juvenile, yes. Vandalous, yes. An outrage, no—except to overly delicate wussies.
How did we get to the point of childishness that this makes national news? Local police are investigating it as a possible hate crime. The immaturity of the person writing it on the wall is now become magnified into the immaturity of everyone else who overreacts to it. These same self-righteous asshats are silent as stone about the punishment meted out to homosexuals in Muslim countries; in fact, if you bring up this obvious irony, they’ll immediately attack you with the tiresome accusation of “Islamophobe!”
“Oh yeah, how would you deal with hateful graffiti?”
Uh, you have the janitor clean it off the wall—and then get on with fucking life. If you catch the miscreant, make him clean it off the wall. What you don’t do is call the police, for God’s sakes. What you don’t do is deem it a hate crime or espouse the childish trope, “Words are violence!” What you don’t do is treat it as an idiotic indictment of our entire society, worthy of public discourse and necessitating collective action. What you don’t do is disrupt the school day and convene a student assembly for meaningless self-flagellation. What you don’t do is send the perpetrator to a reeducation camp. The goal of vandals is to get a rise out of people. God, the Woke make that so damn easy.
Insufficient outrage draws attention to oneself, not unlike a townsperson who fails to dutifully show up at the burning of a witch. An example of this are the corporations who quake before the Woke mob, regurgitate the mob’s platitudes, kneel to the mob’s demands and abet its dirty work. Another example, is the school principal who now must dutifully send a missive to all the parents, reciting his outrage about the marred restroom wall, swearing fealty to the LBGTQ community, and assuring everyone the matter is being investigated; if he knows what’s good for his career, he’ll request a cadre of grief counselors to assist with the unbearable trauma faced by the entire school that is now knowledgeable of the incident (thanks, in no small part, to the principal’s own actions, I might add). In essence, the hysterical overreaction to the “incident” is what made it an incident, rather than the incident itself. [This last sentence may require a few rereads, but trust me, it makes sense.]
When I was in high school, if people reacted this way to restroom graffiti, we would’ve thought the world had lost its mind. And we would’ve been right.
Our past and present, indeed our future, is a mélange of vices and virtues, actions and inactions, until the moment we draw our last breath.
It’s called Life. It isn’t called Perfect…because it isn’t.
In the past, when people faced real problems (not indecorous graffiti!), few people openly sought perfection, few falsely believed a life free of foibles and follies was possible. The rest of us called these seekers of perfection…crazy.
That was then.
Now is quite a different matter.
There are people nowadays who demand absolute perfection of you. Their notion of perfection, not yours. They demand the restroom walls remain pristine, not necessarily of grime and germs, but of potty-mouth words.
Or else.
They expect this perfection of you, not just in the present and the future, but in the past, as well. If it somehow becomes known decades later that you snarkily defaced a restroom wall in junior high school with words considered triggering today, your long overdue punishment draws nigh. As unfathomable as this is to sensible people, the Woke treat this kind of silly shit with the gravity of the Nuremberg trials (though with far less due process). This is the stuff of science fiction. This is our present-day reality.
For goodness sake, a Woke university created a list of trigger words and terms not to use (the school claimed these were just “recommendations” but woe betide the person who doesn’t adhere to these). One of these now verboten things is the term “trigger words,” as this has connotations related to firearms and might, you know, t—er someone. Man, they’ve blown right by Orwell and created a list of trigger words and terms that can’t be referred to by what it itself is. Rather than this moronic endeavor, why not offer help in order toughen up the weaklings who can’t bear these so-called trigger words and terms? The frail constitution of these morons is the actual problem, not the so-called trigger words. I suggest the United States Marine Corps bootcamp for these weaklings.
“You’re a horrible person!”
Thank you. I’m not pretending I’m otherwise.
You can bet this “project” at this dumbass university is being driven by a miniscule number of demented whiners and does not reflect the overall sentiment of students, faculty, and staff. If I’m wrong on this, stop reading and prepare yourself for the End of Days because that would mean we’re there, my friends. If there is a Woke Rapture, please, God, leave me the hell behind. I want nothing to do with their so-called Paradise.
Good people must no longer remain silent about this asinine asshattery, either out of decorum or weariness or fear. We must fight back and tell the Woke to eff off; otherwise, none of us are safe, whether living or dead.
There are historical examples of crazy people in positions of authority digging up bones to try the deceased for past crimes. The Woke do this today with the same venom (and craziness), the difference being that the shovel used is digital. As far as woefully misguided fervor and boneheaded conviction, the two situations are identical in both absurdity and the harm done to society. A component of this harm is pervasive fear—and the Woke intend for the un-Woke to experience a shitload of it.
Criminal laws typically include a statute of limitations, except for the most serious of crimes, such as murder. This allows closure at some point for unsolved cases. Fair or not, this makes sense. After a certain passage of time witnesses die, their memories fade, physical evidence decays or is lost; thereby, if the perpetrator is finally caught, it is questionable if a fair trial can be assured. Furthermore, at some point victims denied justice need to move on; otherwise, the crime they’ve suffered costs them further precious life beyond what it initially did, perhaps incalculably more. There must eventually be a closing out of accounts.
This is cruel, that sometimes justice and vengeance aren’t realized, but that doesn’t make it any less true.
Revenge may taste best when it’s served cold, as the saying goes. But when it begins to molder and stink up the refrigerator, it’s time to toss it out and start anew.
In the end, whenever that end may be, closure is sweet freedom.
There is no statute of limitations or closure as far as today’s totalitarian time-travelers are concerned. Anything and everything, at any time, is fair game to these sanctimonious bounty hunters. The passage of time be damned. Seriousness of the crime be damned. Whether or not it’s an actual crime be damned. Context be damned, including historical context. A sense of proportion be damned. Minding one’s own damn business be damned. Privacy be double-damned.
It is, of course, impossible to have a fair trial when the perpetrator is dead. But that doesn’t matter to the Woke; in fact, like all bullies, they prefer victims who can’t (or won’t) fight back.
It is comical—and not in a good way—to watch the Woke gin themselves up into writhing seriousness over the silly things they consider “crimes.” Bad manners, crude language, inflammatory opinions (hell, any opinion different from their own) are to the Woke what real crimes, such as murder, rape, robbery, and arson, are to decent people, which is to say abhorrences of the worst order and for which brutal punishment is due.
Perversely, the Woke revel in making contorted excuses for perpetrators of real crimes, often absolving them of blame and punishment, and then, for good measure, they indict society at large as being the actual responsible party (e.g., the criminal’s behavior was the result of institutional racism, white privilege, patriarchy, colonialism, etc.); but God help you if you violate their Woke Code—in which case, they shall deny you due process, accept no excuses, show no mercy.
We require the police to wear body cameras. Don’t be surprised if someday the Woke order that each of us wear a body camera. I picture a room full of Wokesters gleefully reviewing each day’s footage, hunting out our misdeeds, faulty language, unacceptable notions; and then passing these sins up to some officious enforcement bureau, which shall implement its vastly disproportionate penalties onto both the innocent and guilty, not caring one whit the distinction.
Just wait until that glorious day when they implant in everyone’s brain a computer chip which allows them to directly monitor our thoughts. If such a chip is invented, don’t be surprised if its use is mandated—though many fools are likely to do so of their own volition, especially if it’s tied to an advanced gaming platform or a more convenient shopping experience.
I insist there is the harsh, incontrovertible reality associated with such a dystopian idea: People possess the right to oppose such a mandate, even if they must resort to violence. Such is the value that must, absolutely must, be given to privacy and freedom of thought.
All of which has led to a troubling situation: We are become a nation of pussies, not necessarily in large numbers, but as to whom dominate public discourse and policy. The vast majority of the population are decent, hardworking people. The tragedy is that we have a plurality of pussies—and the decent people have yet to rise up against them, victims of their own decency.
This needs to stop.
That’s where I come in.
But please—I beg of you—I can’t do it alone.
Cue the snit.
An obvious question the pussies are going to ask is, “What gives you the right to decree what is pussyish and what is legitimate outrage?”
The answer is simple: Someone better step up and do it. So, here I am. You’re welcome.
Fortunately, I have a high threshold for outrage—otherwise, how could I possibly bear the horrors I’ve encountered in life and take on this important job: Speedy Gonzales, Pepe Le Pew, and Charlie Hebdo cartoons, rap music lyrics, politically incorrect jokes, racial slurs, gory movies, provocative art work, biting satire, indecorous tweets, limited pronouns, guy talk, gendered toys and clothes, flawed historical figures (sometimes horribly so), history itself, etc.
Imagine how much worse it would be if I wasn’t white. Which is particularly amusing because a lot of white cupcakes twist in outrage and offense over these very things, ostensibly on behalf of non-white folks and other “marginalized” groups (their adjective not mine). I call this outrage appropriation.
Somehow, I’m surviving it (yawn) and they aren’t. Like I said: pussies.
As an aside: Aren’t transgender people guilty of gender appropriation? Just asking.
Nevertheless, I can’t think of a more sacred and solemn assignment—other than preventing a planet-killing asteroid from blowing us to smithereens—than setting this shit straight. If I fail, I might as well roll out the red carpet for the asteroid because we ain’t worth saving.
Cue the outrage.
“But you’re white, you can’t understand what it’s like for a Mexican to suffer the indignity of a Speedy Gonzalez cartoon!”
Suffer. Really?
So says the white wussy speaking on behalf of all Mexicans.
Grow some huevos, man.
I got news for you, whiney white savior of all Mexicans: I ain’t yet met a Mexican who is so frail and delicate and lacking of a sense of humor, as to have his or her life derailed by the existence of a cartoon. A cartoon a person is not forced to watch against his will. A cartoon, I might add, that many Mexicans like.
“Oh yeah, well I’m Mexican and I think it’s offensive, so there!”
Oops, here’s the first one. Sorry to see you’ve decided to hop aboard the White Woke Wussy Express—you’re an alliterative embarrassment to your race. By the way, if we want to get all racey (and we certainly will), ethnologically-speaking, many Hispanics are considered Caucasian.
“It’s Latinx!”
Oh, you’re one of those…who decided to presumptuously neuter and spay an entire language.
“Well, you presumptuously decided not to.”
I did indeed. I intend to help all Woke people, including Woke Hispanics, find their inner non-wussy self; though it may be too late to save the white wussies who took it upon themselves to grammatically colonize the Spanish language on behalf of the transgenders and fluidiots. Though, let’s be fair: Not all transgenders have bought into this nonsense. For example, a transgender person came into our office and the Woke clerk at the front desk asked said person what pronouns said person preferred (of course, the clerk stereotyped the person in order to ask the question in the first place—she assumed the person was transgender). The apparently transgender person answered, “It doesn’t matter, there’re just words.” Wow. That is a world-changing attitude in contrast to the fascist hysteria the Woke rain down upon us daily. Imagine if enough Germans had said in the 1930s, “Jews, non-Jews, we’re all just people…”
I reckon there are Hispanic transgender women who want to refer to themselves as Latinas—that is before the Woke got involved and essentially took away the very reason the person transitioned (i.e., to live life as if he were the opposite biological sex). If biological sex is a “social construct” (as the Woke claim) and everything related to this is now up for grabs, then how can the misapplication of woman and man, as well as transman and transwoman, be transphobic? To apply the Woke’s own illogic, does the terms trans have any meaning anymore, since, in theory, there is no Gender A from which to switch to Gender B? Then is nothing transphobic, by default?
It’s a blurred spectrum of genders according to the Wokest of the Woke—far beyond the restrictiveness of, say, Roy G. Biv. In fact, Heather Has Two Mommies is ripe for attack by the Woke; something the author surely never imagined in her worst nightmare. “Mommy” is a dangerously gendered term, one whose existence risks triggering a delicate moron. Heather Has Two Birthing Persons is a safer bet. The Woke have created a circular firing squad of grammatical asshattery. Here, let me give them more ammunition and then duck out of the way.
The inevitable overreach is both ill-mannered and lame, not to mention unnecessarily confusing.
Society is under no obligation to overly accommodate a miniscule percentage of the population. Basic concepts regarding respect goes both ways, and a transgender person (or their supposed advocates) must not demand, nor expect, that societal norms be completely upended and pernicious self-delusions be unthinkingly indulged. This insistence on Latinx is shrill overreach—and boorish, to boot.
“The word norms and self-delusion are hateful and violent!”
Hey, I used “their” a few sentences back to refer to a transgender person; doesn’t that give me some Woke cred?
“Well, you probably meant it sarcastically. Your use of norms and self-delusion is violence!”
God, you guys dumb down and trivialize what were once powerful words and serious concepts into childish snittery: violence, hate, racist, Nazi, sexual assault, supremacist, anything-phobic, to name a few.
Okay, compare what you just experienced in hearing norms and self-delusion to someone hitting you in the face with a crowbar. Assuming you survive the crowbar attack, please let me know which one actually hurt the most, the words or the crowbar. Given a second chance, is there any doubt you’d choose the words over the crowbar?
“You’re twisting shit around!”
Buckle, up. I’m gonna get a lot more pretzelly before it’s done.
At a Democrat Socialists of America convention (2019), an attendee (attendx—hey, I’m trying to be helpful) used the term “guys” in a manner consistent with its common usage, which is to also refer to a group of mixed genders. Such as when a person approaches a group of his male and female friends and says, “Hey, what are you guys doing?” (Of course) another attendee at the convention took exception to this and accused his/her/whatever fellow DSA member of misgendering. Yes, the world has actually come to this level of insane inanity.
The DSA leadership, due to their overly earnest attempt at silly levels of Woke accommodation, stood at the podium stupefied by the kindergarten-level tantrums over such trivial nonsense. I challenge any sane person to watch the video of this convention and honestly say to me, “Yeah, this is the ideology I want running my school board, and local, state, and federal government.”
Get real, Wokesters, especially those of you who aren’t transgender but deem themselves offendees on their behalf. A person who wants to live as a facsimile of the opposite biological sex has the right to do so, as long as it doesn’t interfere with another person’s life (including language)—and the transgender person doesn’t behave like a Woke douche (as did the aforementioned offendee at the DSA convention).
For example, the supposed transgender advocates (who generally behave like sadistic guards at a concentration camp) should not assume a categorizing “identity” is monolithic in all things. The transgender person has the right to his or her own political beliefs, which the Woke sure as shit ain’t going to accept if those beliefs deviate one iota from their holy tenets. Conservative transgenders, as the conservative blacks have long known, are in for a tsunami of venom from the Woke if their secrets are found out. They’re treated like traitors. In the case of conservative blacks, they’re treated liked escaped slaves in the Antebellum South.
Yes, there are conservative transgenders. They’re the ones who are honest and admit they’re biological men who are happier living as if they are females. My advice to non-transgender conservatives: Don’t dismiss them as potential allies against the insanity we face. We need all men, women, transmen, and transwomen on deck for this fight against Woke asshattery.
There are liberal transgenders who don’t agree unwaveringly with every asshat tenet in the Woke Bible. Perhaps they want lower taxes or immigration laws enforced. Maybe they’re not pronoun Nazis (see how fun it is to toss around these trite incendiaries) or don’t want the police department where they live “defunded.” They, too, have the right to express their opinions without our Woke overlords silencing and canceling them.
Facts or opinions or words you don’t agree with are not violence. Violence is physical harm. The threat of violence is the credible threat of physical harm. Direct threat. Violence is not words that hurt one’s feelings or cause the vapors in a moron with a weak constitution. We’ve plenty of direct shit in the world to deal with. Let’s not waste calories on the indirect shit, especially since we’re doing a crappy job dealing with the direct shit.
Transgender women are transgender women (née transexuals). They are men. They are not biological women or women.
Transgender men are transgender men. They are women. They are not biological men or men.
Gender affirmation surgery is not affirming anything. It’s (possibly) making the person mimic the opposite gender to the degree desired, but it most certainly is not transforming them into the opposite gender. I’m concerned it’s a surgical form of conversion therapy for people who can’t accept their homosexuality, but good luck getting anyone to have that conversation.
The Woke disagree with these statements. I don’t consider it violence against me that their opinions differ from my own. I consider it imbecility, in this particular case.
That transgender woman is a term used to describe a man who decides to live life as if he were a biological woman (or some approximation thereof) is not hurtful. Insisting this person is a woman is delusional. Many non-transgender people (which are by far the majority of humans) are okay with letting someone live the life he wants to live as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else. We may think it’s weird—and it’s okay to think that—but, hey, “to each his own,” as they say. It’s the Woke who’ve hijacked this situation and want to inflame ill-will and contentiousness. Permanent divisiveness is their goal. The Woke deliberately weaponize such issues, which leads me to wish there were background checks, waiting periods, and other control measures for their preferred asshat armaments.
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