Bonfire of the Inanities: Chapter 3

[This is from an unpublished work, Bonfire of the Inanities, which was written in response to the BLM craziness that erupted after the death of George Floyd.]

It is painful, evident irony that I’m writing a non-fiction catharsis in response to a science fiction dystopia that is become our reality. The pipsqueak tyranny of the Woke. These dunderheads never meant for it to remain pipsqueak forever, and they’ve done real harm and intend more of it.      

Much more.   

We’ve seen examples of the physical manifestation of Woke asshattery and its damage, such as two black males killed in proximity to the Seattle Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and the black communities vandalized, looted, and burnt during what the media whimsically proclaimed as “largely peaceful” BLM protests. 

The now former police chief of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota found out after the shooting of Daunte Wright—and inevitable resultant public unrest—that the semantic police are calling the shots. Reporters now dictate the interviewee’s language and they ain’t cottoning to use of the word riot—unless Trump supporters are involved. If these so-called journalists went back in time and found themselves propagandists on the side of the Nazis (not such a far-fetched notion—alliance-wise rather than scientifically speaking), “blitzkrieg” would be called a “largely peaceful incursion” in their style guides.  

Don’t let people control the words you use.

Don’t be a grammar or vocabulary fascist toward others.

A narcissistic dumbass actor (a triple tautology if ever there was one) now insists that he be referred to using the neopronouns “tree/treeself.” [Lord, these sentences are hard to type.] The concept of neopronouns, as well as the pronouns he chose, are prime examples of Woke asshattery. Tree is a particularly self-absorbed example of an ideology that is by its nature pathologically self-absorbed.     

As you’ll see throughout this document, parody can’t hope to keep up with reality. Another way to put it: There is no Woke parody that won’t become Woke reality. 

Lord, help us.    

Here’s what should happen regarding the actor’s request: Do not indulge him. Tell him/tree to fuck off and quit being a self-indulged moron. It’s unlikely any adults in the room are going to do this.

What will happen: Cower and acquiescence…or rapturously endorse.

Should we indulge this latest tenet of asshattery known as neopronouns, at least be accurate and refer to this actor by the very apt appellations of “dumb/dumbself.”

Bottom line: We are not obligated as a society to coddle a weirdo’s weirdness, especially a celebrity weirdo. We are not obligated to pretend weirdness is, well, not weird. We are not obligated to upend our world and accommodate the childish demands of the Woke.  

I make a distinction between those who act weird due to severe mental illness, and are thus not responsible for their behavior, versus those who deliberately embrace and flaunt weirdness to draw attention to themselves, and arrogantly believe such attention must be unfailingly positive and supportive. Pity the former. You have my permission to openly mock the latter.        

“Who gave you permission to give permission?”

I did. Somebody needed to step up to the plate and do it.

Anyway, as is true with many of these well-publicized situations involving the police, Mr. Wright could’ve saved the world and himself a heap of trouble if he’d not resisted arrest. When you resist arrest, you put yourself, the police, and bystanders at risk of harm. Another way to minimize the risk of these types of situations is to not leave your house if drunk or on drugs, as this clouds one’s judgment when interacting with the police and also results in the stupid behavior which leads to that interaction in the first place. After an arrest it is incumbent on society to make sure the arrestee is afforded due process leading to a determination of innocence or guilt.

The last paragraph is both commonsensical as hell and naïve as hell—and does not benefit those who wish to divide us and tear down society. Black parents say they are compelled to have “The Talk” with their black sons, based on this very topic (i.e., interactions with the po-po). 

I say all parents should have this talk with each of their kids. I’ve seen young adult white women who are mouthy as hell toward the po-po. White folks get shot and roughed-up by the police, too. With due respect to the hilarious Chris Rock video, “How to not get your ass kicked by the police,” here are tips on staying out of trouble: Obey the law. Don’t go out in public if you’re drunk or high. Don’t resist arrest. Keep your mouth shut. If you’re arrested, let your lawyer and the justice system sort it out.        

I want to emphasize: If you’re drunk or high, the odds increase dramatically that you’re going to be a stupid arrestee. I’m not a Social Justice Warrior, but I’d love to see everybody, including black males, not get themselves in a pickle needlessly.   

SJWs do not want social justice. The CHAZ Asshats actively interfered with the police investigation into the murders. The supposed supporters of BLM—as the CHAZ denizens would surely insist they are—deemed at least two black lives did not matter one flying fuck. Nobody in a position of authority did either.    

I found it heartbreaking to watch an interview of the father of one of the victims, who spoke about the insanity of this matter. Seattle’s government allowed its own version of a lawless Mogadishu to exist within its jurisdiction, for weeks and with utter impunity, which directly resulted in two murders and other crimes; and, in the end, nobody in city government gave a damn (until the mayor’s house was picketed—a mayor who originally called CHAZ a modern-day “Summer of Love”). These so-called leaders are so afraid of being called racists that they allowed an unacceptable situation to metastasize and fester, which resulted in two black males being murdered. Irony itself must be shocked at this stupefying degree of irony.

Allow me to again summarize the overarching situation with depressing obviousness: Decent people of all races, we are on our own, abandoned by our leaders and scorned by our betters. They want you disarmed, yet they’re protected by armed security. They’re okay with your business and residential neighborhoods being looted and burned, but they’d never allow this to occur in their precious (probably gated) neighborhoods. They want criminals released and dumped into your neighborhoods—not theirs. They demand the homeless be treated with kid gloves—as long as the homeless plague your neighborhood and not theirs. They’ll claim with earnest sincerity that “Black Lives Matter,” yet they remain forever indifferent to black-on-black crime (again, not in their neighborhoods). They wantonly provide sanctuary to illegal aliens, but insist you follow their plethora of petty laws without any such audacity. 

I’ll also add that us peons are expected (or else) to wear masks and follow COVID protocols, but the elites openly flaunt these rules with no consequences, not even the decency to experience shame when caught. The classic example of this are the pictures of maskless Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the 2021 New York Met Gala with a masked servant in tow (literally) holding the train of her evening gown. Marie Antoinette would find nothing discordant about this image. (I’m betting that the former French queen wouldn’t make the claim she is a Democratic Socialist fighting on behalf of the unwashed masses.)        

I could expand the above paragraph into an entire book—maybe, someday I will.

The Woke become angry when the non-Woke (including black ones) bring up black-on-black crime, and we dare ask why our sanctimonious (largely white) Woke betters don’t give a damn about it. The Woke insist it’s racist to bring up black-on-black crime in any context, including when pointing out the Woke’s hypocrisy. This is interesting—and not in a good way—because, dear Wokesters, you know who does give a shit about black-on-black crime and would like us to take is as seriously as is nowadays done regarding black criminals harmed by the police? The black victims of it.

Our elected leaders offer no leadership in these matters. They stand idly by, petrified that the Woke might call them “racists” if they interfere with the thievery, arson, assault, and other mayhem that is regularly associated with BLM and Antifa protests—those protests swaddled in the correct political agenda are given free reign for bad behavior. They’ve abandoned large portions of their cities to homeless encampments rife with filth and crime—and demand more money to deal with homelessness, despite the fact the homeless are not compelled to avail themselves of what this money can buy (housing, drug and mental health treatment, job training)—God help you if you dare suggest the profoundly mentally ill homeless be forced into in-patient treatment, the criminal ones incarcerated. Illegal aliens are allowed to commit crimes with no fear of deportation, and these crimes are disproportionality committed against other illegal aliens who are thus sacrificed, along with the rest of us, for political expediency. As if this hellishness wasn’t bad enough, many of our leaders are complicit in efforts to silence, disarm, and disenfranchise our decent citizens and who are then blamed for the world’s ills because they dare resist the Woke tyranny and its insane evil. For example, we are told that reasonable voter identification laws are racist—to the Woke our most sacred right as citizens is an inconvenience to their efforts for a so-called Great Reset and other asshattery. 

Further irony: Black people are the group most at risk of disenfranchisement because of the Woke’s crass enablement of illegal immigration and their thwarting of efforts to assure the integrity of the electoral process. In some jurisdictions, illegal immigrants can vote in local elections. Think of it as a calculated dilution, particularly of black votes—a Woke Jim Crow. There are black folks who realize this. Some of them also blame Margaret Sanger, who was not shy about her hope that abortion and birth control would diminish their numbers (future black voters who weren’t to be). They speak up at their own risk.    

Though I may have thoroughly depressed you by this point, I encourage you to never lose your sense of humor. The non-Woke, including classic liberals, have a sense of humor.   

Gallows humor is an imperative survival trait. A sense of humor, even under dire circumstances, is essential if one is to avoid becoming a pile of Woke Jell-O suffering from self-manufactured PTSD. Compare those of us with a sense of humor to the mirthless fucks about whom this vent-piece is about. A lack of a sense of humor is the only diagnostic tool necessary to identify the Woke douches amongst us, not that they’re making any effort to hide themselves. 

Quite the contrary. We’re cursed with sanctimonious narcissists who incessantly screech about the perceived outrages they’ve suffered and the concomitant atonements they demand. They spit on our decency, use it against us. Because we let them.

Turning the other cheek is one thing; spreading your cheeks quite another. Don’t spread your cheeks for the Woke. That only gets you a suppository of asshattery.      

Shortly after the fall of Kabul to the Taliban in August 2021, a woman was murdered in broad daylight by these Islamic thugs. Her crime? Not wearing what these cretins consider the proper covering incumbent on females. At the same time, a snarky company in America came out with a t-shirt that said, “Kabul Skydiving Club” which showed a military aircraft beneath which were two bodies plummeting to earth sans parachutes.

Which of these do you think drew by far the most outrage among the Woke?

The answer is illustrative of the Woke and their cowardly depravity (and dearth of a sense of humor).

Despite the seriousness of the topics, I’ll include the requisite amount of snark and smart aleckiness; that is until they drag me off to the gulag, virtual or otherwise. Even then, I’ll tap out on the bars of my cell coded messages of resistance. 

Real resistance. Not phony-assed vagina hat resistance.

Throughout this fulmination, I’ll offer actual suggestions that decent people of every race and religion must embrace if we are to defeat the Cult of Wokeness. We’ll be called predictable names (e.g., racist, Nazi, white supremacist, coon, Uncle Tom, bed wench). It won’t be easy. It certainly won’t be pretty. But it’s necessary as fuck.     

I want us to consistently prove that we are better than the Woke (because we are), though at times we must ourselves fight dirty: (1) We must start telling the Woke, and those who enable them, to “fuck off.”  In some situations, we need to be literally that blunt. (2) We must cancel Cancel Culture and boycott the Boycotters—and yet somehow avoid the temptation to behave likewise. 

This means we must vigorously defend our right to free speech and we must defend it for those whom we find odious. We cannot allow a person to claim he’s exercising free speech when what he’s actually doing is taking active steps to silence someone else. Furthermore, corporations that do the Woke’s bidding need to learn that the rest of us spend a lot of money and can spend it elsewhere. (Yes, I know). As I just cautioned against, I hate to use the Woke’s tactics, but corporations or anybody who desires to make money off the general public must recognize the obvious fact that it’s better to remain neutral and focus on your day job.

Few things are as hypocritical as a corporation pretending it has moral authority, when many of them actively pollute the environment, depress wages (e.g., profit off illegal immigration), fight unionization, avoid taxes, offshore American jobs, gin up stock prices at the expense of a company’s long-term health, violate our privacy, cheat, endanger us, and commit a host of other sins. The boilerplate terms & conditions that force an aggrieved consumer into binding arbitration is a particularly insidious example of corporate shenanigans that our elected leaders let them get away with.

During the 2021 Pride Month (whoopee), corporations throughout the Western World rainbowized their logos in support of gayness (or out of fear of the repercussions for not doing so). This palette of contrived tolerance and celebration was not applied to these same logos that appeared in Muslim countries where they do business. 

Hmm, that’s weird. Those of us in Western countries are constantly badgered by these tolerance fascists, and yet the countries in which gays literally fear for their lives get a pass. No one ever said corporations aren’t hypocrites—or cowards. Come to think of it, no gay activists or their alleged supporters directed a word of condemnation at these Muslim countries during Pride Month (as far as I saw).

Seems an awfully false pride to me, one that is only evident when the stakes are low and those hectored are pitifully compliant. A chance at real moral courage presented itself, with actual consequences such as lost business—and was ignored.

More to come on this topic.            

Everyone, including employees of corporations, is entitled to freedom of speech as a basic human right. In the past, most people accepted this, sometimes begrudgingly. Then the Woke—and their delicate ears and shrill voices—came along and decided this right, as well as other rights, are an impediment to achieving their paradise on Earth. As is always the case, those (forcibly) seeking paradise in the here-and-now end up implementing Hell—there are no exceptions to this.    

Free speech must be treated as a precious human right, one whose loss threatens every other right. Those who would force their idea of paradise on the rest of us realize doing so requires they strip us of our rights. And too damn many people go along willingly, oblivious to the fate that awaits them—heaven on Earth it ain’t.  

What is free speech? Free speech is telling someone you think his opinion is stupid. Free speech is letting the Woke person call us racists, bigots, Uncle Toms, and other lovely bon mots. (It’s irony of ironies to watch videos of white Woke BLM-supporting dumbasses calling black cops “niggers” to their faces.) At its essence, free speech is allowing others the right to express ideas that you find loathsome, and to do so without undue consequences. Different ideas make the world an interesting place. The physical manifestation of these ideas is the purview of grownups to decide via the political processes. The Woke don’t want ideas they dislike existing in the first place, including inside our heads.  This is why they’re fascists of a particularly odious sort.

Free speech is not trying to get a person fired from his job or cause other financial harm for an opinion unrelated to his employment and done on his own time. Free speech is not trying to get a student expelled because his words hurt your delicate feelings. Free speech is not trying to prevent the publication or sale of a book because you don’t like the author or his ideas. Free speech is not preventing a speech or stopping those who want to listen to it from doing so. The Woke are big on this kind of chicken shit stuff, and we need to fight against it, whoever is the intended victim.  

Gwen Berry is a childish dumbass for her disrespectful demeanor during the playing of the National Anthem at the 2021 U.S. Track and Field Olympic Trials. But digging up her old tweets in which she used the word “retard” among other supposed indiscretions, and then using these against her, is the kind of lame-ass stuff that everybody needs to stop doing against everybody else. Her tweets were not directed at clinically retarded people, so let’s not act as if they were. God, I hope she doesn’t apologize for these tweets and go off somewhere to “reflect.”

Those of us who resist the Woke’s retardation (apt word under the circumstances) must hold our noses and defend Ms. Berry’s right to have posted those past tweets and not face repercussions because of it. Pointing out the obvious hypocrisy is one thing (and certainly fun), but if we foolishly insist every thought, writing (including posts), and artistic creation be unfailingly inoffensive, we are doomed to an insanely uninteresting world, one which must be enforced by an all-powerful totalitarianism, the likes of which is from the pages of a dystopian science fiction story.        

There are many people of varied political persuasions who are troubled and appalled by the present Woke Caliphate that seeks to impose on us the iron grip of its theocracy. We are assured of strange bedfellows in our fight against Woke Sharia.

“It’s bedpersons, and your use of the term sharia is Islamophobic!”

See, the asshattery continues. It is no longer shocking that the Woke actually get their panties in a bunch over something this silly. They’ll tweet about it, and the media will predictably report that “The Internet is outraged.” They’ll attack a company that uses the word “bedfellows” in an ad. The company would surely cave into the stupidity—even if it’s a single dumbass complaining. Most incredibly (and not in a good way), it would be national, if not international, fucking news. Stupid tweets as stupid news to further numb the brains of stupid people. Stupid.  

It’s ridiculous how damn far we’ve fallen as a society into a self-dug abyss of childish imbecility. That the Woke believe their asshattery to be serious world-improving efforts is especially pathetic. These are adults who regularly behave as spoiled children, replete with tantrums and irrational expectations.              

There are key things we must accept of our fellow man if we are to get this shit back on the rails, and, with any luck, head towards a better, albeit imperfect, future. One of these is to understand and accept that the use of “man” in the last sentence refers to all of us: men and women, or whatever concocted gender one chooses to deem oneself. It’s grammatically correct. It’s not meant to be offensive (not that it matters if it was). A normal person with an IQ above room temperature gets it and would be embarrassed to whine about it. Those who decide to hang themselves up on functional grammar such as this are the actual problem—bigots against acceptable grammar. They are wussy douches who face-plant themselves on each step of Life’s journey, and deliberately so.        

We really need to go on without those fools. We’ve got lives to live and better world to build. But they sure as shit won’t let us.   

One of these Woke idiots—and whose preferred pronouns were narcissistically declared as they/them—wrote an article about one of his (he is male) personal experiences. The syntax was confusing as fuck because throughout the article it was hard to discern if he was talking about himself singularly or if he was referring to one or more people in the plural sense. I’m sure he believed himself enlightened as hell as he wrote it—and you are bigoted as hell if you dare not indulge his asshattery. He created a syntactic mess and came across as a total asshat. A male asshat.     

As a teaser for later in this document: Wait until you see the illogical progression of this douchery, i.e., the term “aggressively racist font.” Yes, this term was actually used by an imbecile. Should you think at that point (or well before) that we’re doomed as a species, I’ll understand.

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