[This is from an unpublished work, Bonfire of the Inanities, which was written in response to the BLM craziness that erupted after the death of George Floyd.]
Our society is not divided into liberal vs. conservative, left vs. right, Republican vs. Democrat, Christian vs. non-Christian, rich vs. poor, black vs. white. Instead, we find ourselves separated into two tribes, Woke vs. non-Woke. The Woke tribe includes the demented true believers, those who’ve drunk long and deep of this cult’s poisonous ideology; it’s cowardly enablers who remain silent and trembling; and the crass manipulators who’ve weaponized Wokeness as a means to divide and control us.
Wokeness is ridiculousness writ large and is intrusive, pervasive, smothering, and deadly dangerous. A normal person cannot imagine anything so insanely silly—even if trying his best to think like a complete imbecile—that it can out-ridiculous the Woke. The Woke can think this way every waking moment (their dreams, who knows?). The rest of us would experience a fatal aneurism after a few minutes of the Woke’s mental asshattery. Be safe. Don’t try it.
The preposterousness of the Woke’s endless stupidities is both entertaining and irritating, but we’re well past that now. There is real danger posed to decent people by the Woke, those insufferable fools among us who have honed asshattery to an art. They are truly the Van Gogh’s of pernicious douchery.
The Brown Shirts in pre-Nazi Germany were thought by many at the time to be clownish and not taken seriously. Don’t make that same mistake with the Woke. Don’t underestimate the threat they pose. Their ideology (idiotolgy) has already resulted in actual deaths, as I’ll discuss later.
Here’s an example of Woke asshattery in its douchey resplendency—or as normal folks call it, delusional thinking on a stunning scale. Celebrities love to make announcements that call attention to their wokeness, the key phrase here is “call attention.” A common fad among these dunderheads is declaring a newly realized gender, sexuality, or preferred pronouns, and these pronouncements are fully meant to be fiats, as a person would quickly find out if he has the temerity to question or mock any of these narcissistic bleats.
“Hear ye, hear ye: As of this day, I doth avow I am now a nonbinary pansexual and, henceforth, shall be referred to only by my preferred pronoun of they/them.” Pansexual? That would be bisexual for those of us who can do the basic arithmetic of 1+1=2. (A transwoman comedian/comedienne realized the absurdity of this plague of pronouns and concocted sexualities, and distilled it down to a brilliant comic truth: “You either like penis, vagina, or both. That’s it.” You go, girl.)
But we’re just getting started regarding the Woke’s asshattery, so speaking of abject delusion…
The morbidly obese fashion model Tess Holliday recently revealed to the world that she’s actually anorexic. Previously, anyone non-Woke who dared point out that her grossly excess weight is unhealthy (which it undoubtably is) faced accusations of “fat-shaming” and general bigotry. We are scolded by the Woke who insist that morbidly obese people are actually healthy, the healthy at any size delusion that has real life and death consequences—and for which Ms. Holliday has been its exemplar.
No sane person can look at a picture of Ms. Holliday and say she’s anorexic. I doubt many non-Woke insane people either. But now that Ms. Holliday announces she’s anorexic—though she appears not to have shed a single molecule of her hundreds of excess pounds—each of us must decide among several choices as we tiptoe through the modern minefield sown by the Woke: (1) Be honest and say her claim is preposterous (which it most certainly is); (2) Recognize her claim is absurd, but keep one’s mouth shut out of cowardly self-preservation; or (3) Go along with the lunacy and swear that the empress’s new clothes (gigaplus size) are the most beautiful upon which eyes were cast—or in this case, that a gargantuan woman eating herself to death is actually at risk of starvation and possibly an unfortunate death reminiscent of the late Karen Carpenter or Kurt Gödel, both of whom were victims of unhealthy excessive weight loss.
The Woke fully believe these delusions—and nasty as hell about it if you dare not go along with the farce. In their world the royal tailor turns out an endless supply of sartorial splendor, though neither a bolt of luxuriant fabric nor a spool of silken thread is to be found at his shop. Too many cowards in the interest of self-preservation keep their mouth shut and this empowers these sorts of pernicious delusions the Woke ceaselessly shower us with.
The reporter interviewing Ms. Holliday (posted on YouTube) swallowed any remaining shred of journalistic integrity and went along with this travesty. Perhaps we should admire the interviewer’s Herculean ability to maintain a straight face during this exchange. I suspect journalists are in possession of a Woke style manual for both interviews and written works to guide them through the aforementioned minefield that is modern wokeness.
Fat is thin. Up is down. Cold is hot. Non-Woke Jews are Nazis. Black conservatives are white supremacists. Iconic feminists are bigots. Conservative or otherwise non-insane transgender people are transphobic. Opposing female genital mutilation is misogynistic and Islamophobic. Silencing others is free speech.
These are not exaggerations. Wokeness is an insane universe, not parallel to our own, but instead lain over us like a cloud of cloying poison gas that not only never dissipates but gathers greater and greater noxiousness each and every day. Lethal concentrations are reached in some places—and shall do so in many more to come.
The fact is that anorexia is a serious mental illness that can be fatal if proper interventions are not undertaken (e.g., Karen Carpenter and Kurt Gödel). It is journalistic malfeasance to interview a grossly overweight person pretending she is anorexic and not call her out on it. God knows the Woke call out as cultural appropriation a host of benign things, so why the fear of adding anorexia appropriation to the mix?
I believe you know the answer. Pretending to be what you’re not is affirming, liberating, something to be lauded from the mountain tops if the identity thief is Woke. This is especially true if the difference between reality and fantasy is so vast that it’s measured in parsecs—or tons. These delusions are then weaponized and used against those remaining decent people who resist Woke insanity to silence and cower them into submission, with the intent of laying waste to societal norms and forcibly replacing these with a brave new Woke world rife with lies and farce and self-destruction. An asshat world. It’s fascism unlike any imagined by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot, but fascism, nonetheless. Joseph Goebbels, if asked to claim for propaganda purposes that Hermann Goring is anorexic, would’ve though the request madness and dared not. Not so the Woke. Their Ministry of Propaganda is as robust as it is shameless.
If we truly care about our fellow human beings, we’d offer professional help to people with eating disorders rather than coddle their mental health problems. Playing along with their delusions only makes the problem worse. Bottom line regarding Ms. Holliday: She needs to lose a ton of weight (or significant fraction thereof). Period.
Those around her are unlikely to help due to the malevolent world the Woke have created for us. A caring intervention—which out of necessity requires painful honesty directed at the afflicted person—would surely result in those trying to help being called bigots and fat-shamers. I’d expect laughable claims from the Woke that Ms. Holliday is healthy and to believe otherwise is somehow the result of colonialism, capitalism, racism, patriarchy, misogyny, transphobia, xenophobia, or cis-gender, heteronormative oppression. Take your pick. The Woke’s smorgasbord of blame is always open for business and the entrees served piping hot.
A true anorexic is YouTuber Eugenia Cooney who I fear is on the verge of death. Please, baby, start eating. I don’t want you to die and that is your fate if you don’t start eating. Now. Right now. Where are your friends and loved ones who should intervene in this heartbreaking situation and do so immediately? Tess Holliday is in a very unhealthy situation related to food consumption, but it’s indisputably the polar opposite of Ms. Cooney’s tragedy. I hope they both get healthy.
The insanities embraced by the Woke are wielded like a sharpened stick and meant to poke the eyes of the non-Woke, good and hard. A big part of the Woke’s silly games is proving to themselves and the rest of us that they can subjugate decent people and upend both benign and salubrious societal norms, forcibly supplanting these norms with their perverse abnorms.
“Did you just use the term abnorms to describe us!”
I did.
“You can’t do that!”
I just did. And what’s with the shouting?
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