A simple question for the Woke

Here’s a simple question for the Woke…

There is a hypothetical prison that can accommodate 1,000 inmates. A female prisoner is sent there. A female as understood by the non-Woke (i.e., those who are sane and have no difficulty figuring out what a woman is). The question for our Woke friends: Would you allow 999 transgender women inmates (i.e., men) to be placed in the same prison with her, some of whom may be sex offenders?

Put aside your silly word games and corrupted biology and faux virtue. Instead, I hope you give this question some very real, very adult, very humane consideration rather than immediately spout the tired propaganda: “A woman is anyone who says they are a woman.” In this case, there are very real, very terrifying implications for our lone (actual) female inmate. Furthermore, should your daughter, wife, girlfriend, or other female relative find themselves in trouble and sentenced to this prison, would you want her incarcerated with 999 men?

Many of the Woke are so beyond repair, so inculcated with their cult’s odious ideology, that they would answer emphatically and sanctimoniously—YES. The woman we refer to is, in reality, (their twisted reality, not ours) serving her sentence with 999 other women because these 999 men say they are women. Not only will they not care about this woman’s terrible fate, but they intend for her and anyone else who disputes that these men are actually women to suffer dire consequences. This is how deranged the Woke are. Beyond repair deranged.

Protecting women’s spaces is a nonpartisan issue. Non-Woke people of every political stripe and demographic get it. Therefore, start asking this question of the smug Democrat officials who continue to defend the madness of transgender ideology. Demand an answer. Do not accept platitudes or gaslighting from them. Do not allow them to insist these male inmates are women. The Republicans are generally more sympathetic to fighting the madness of transgender ideology, but we must hold their feet to the fire in order to keep their spines stiffened. Timidity and incrementalism are not useful traits in this fight.

The correct answer is these 999 men should absolutely not be sent to a women’s prison. Period. We should not indulge the delusion that these men are women. They aren’t and never will be. They must serve their sentence in a men’s facility.

Inmates must be placed in the appropriate prison based on their sex. (I use the term sex and gender interchangeably, rather than play the Woke’s word games.) A vulnerable person—gender-confused, gender-contrived, or otherwise—placed in a prison may need to be housed in protective custody to protect them from harm, which is a humane thing to do. This includes quirky males who believe they are the opposite sex. The focus must be on making sure vulnerable inmates are protected, not indulging transgender ideology at the expense of women’s rights.

Bottom line: Placing men in women’s prisons is not virtuous under any circumstances. It is evil, and those advocating for this and allowing it are evildoers.

Start voting accordingly.

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