San Francisco Comical: More San Francisco Chronicle asshattery

We begin with some wise words from a journalist I admire…

“Thus do we have the unimaginably warped dynamic in which U.S. journalists are not the defenders of free speech values but the primary crusaders to destroy them. They do it in part for power: to ensure that nobody but they can control the flow of information. The do it partly for ideology and out of hubris: the belief that their worldview is so indisputably right that all dissent is inherently dangerous “disinformation.” And they do it from petty vindictiveness: they clearly get aroused—find otherwise-elusive purpose—by destroying people’s reputations and lives, no matter how powerless. Whatever the motive, corporate media employees whose company title is “journalist” are the primary activists against a free and open internet and core values of free thought.”

            —Glenn Greenwald

Once upon a time, the San Francisco Chronicle was a great newspaper, one of my favorites to read, which I did faithfully for decades. It had engaging stories, and these weren’t woven through with comically overt political agendas. The columnists covered a spectrum of political opinions, both liberal and conservative, and these notions were well-thought-out and tempered with old school professionalism.   

[Sigh.] No more. The newspaper is a siloed group of Woke enablers and apologists who brook no deviation from Woke orthodoxy. They predictably lauded Colin Kaepernick for the courage of his convictions and excoriated former San Francisco Giant Aubry Huff and one of the owners of the Giants for the courage of theirs. This is no longer journalism, but propaganda reverberating within a Woke echo chamber.  

The newspaper’s staff are infected with the all-too-common affliction among today’s so-called journalists: doctrinaire incuriosity. Anything told them which is consistent with their personal ideologies, no matter how ludicrous the claim, is engulfed hook, line, and sinker, no questions asked, no critical thinking applied. Skepticism is reserved only for those whose beliefs don’t align with their own. Ditto their overt hatred, which extinguishes every scintilla of objectivity.    

These are the Woke who don’t understand in the least why Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election, why people of every race, religion, and political affiliation voted for him. The Woke cultists at the Chronicle likely believe Trump’s election victory was the result of racism, misogyny, transphobia, or, gasp, further Russian interference. That the Woke’s odious ideology—wholly implemented by the Biden-Harris administration for four years—had anything to do with a flawed political novice winning twice is unfathomable to their incurious and unanalytical brains.

Self-reflection. Respecting freedom of speech. Trying to understand the “other side.” Realizing that common sense adults need to be running our government and implementing common sense policies. Acknowledging that parents are very protective of their children. Being skeptical of a source, even when told something consistent with your belief system. Not a chance with these chuckleheads.

A recent example is an editorial from early 2025, “Transphobic apparel the new hotness”…

Speaking of misogyny…the Chronicle is hugely guilty of this sin. They possess a screw women’s spaces and sports worldview if there is any impediment to a male interloper who claims he is a female. Even by the Chronicle’s comically low standards, this editorial is breathtaking in its dunderheadedness and genuflection to the cult of transgender ideology. It also reeks of the smug nastiness directed by the Woke toward those their cult considers heretics. And, boy, the author, Soleil Ho, is the newspaper’s Torquemada.     

Soleil Ho, is a woman who claims she is “non-binary” and wants us to use they/them pronouns in reference to her. Ironically, for a brief period, many of the Chronicle staff included their pronouns in the end of article contact information, but these have since been removed, except the holdout Ms. Ho. I’m guessing her colleagues likely realized the silliness of these pronoun declarations, but she soldiers on with this farce.

One cannot take seriously the opinion of a person afflicted with contrived confusion about her gender (I use sex and gender as synonyms), and who through her pronoun declarations insists we actively participate in her contrivance. Insists? Yup: Trust me, she’d likely erupt in a conniption fit toward any of us non-compliers—and want meaningful punishment, to boot.

She was given plenty of ink for her lengthy editorial, “Transphobic apparel the new hotness.” This propaganda piece was written in response to parents in Riverside County opposed to boys (i.e., trans-identifying males) competing in girls’ sports. Those in support of this concern wear t-shirts with (gasp!) messages in support of their position: Save Girls’ Sports and XX ≠ XY.

Tis not just their objections Ms. Ho abhors. The Woke—being rabid censors at heart—consider it an unforgivable sin to dare voice a heretical notion. How dare these bigots express a discordant opinion! Allow me to summarize Ms. Ho’s position: Males who claim they are females are real females, and if you disagree, you are a hateful, right-wing Nazi—and you better keep your damn mouth shut and hateful t-shirts put away. 

Ms. Ho repeats the Woke malarky that sex and gender are both spectrums (and apparently different), and the XX and XY chromosome pairs are an irrelevancy in determining what we are. She is wantonly ignorant of the fact that humans are a sexually dimorphic species, male and female. She believes this dimorphism is a myth and, therefore, discredits and dismisses the parents’ concerns. Don’t be surprised—because I won’t—if she also believes this dimorphism is a social construct imposed on the world by the white, colonizer, heteronormative patriarchy. Ms. Ho and the other Woke would fail dismally at animal husbandry!  

If Ms. Ho is correct, why only have two sports categories (male and female)? Creating a category for every waystation on her mythical spectrum is impractical, but we could add a third one (e.g., non-dimorphic for the transfolks) or collapse everything into a single co-ed one, since many transactivists insist there is no male advantage when competing against females. Hell, also get rid of age and weight-based subcategories. What are you, a body-shaming ageist!

Think of the utopian possibilities in Ms. Ho’s world. Mike Tyson at his prime could box your eight-year-old daughter. The New York Yankees win the Little League World Series every year. A paroled pedophile can shower with your daughters at the YWCA. Hyperbole? Nope. In Canada, a middle-aged male, who identifies as a teenage girl, swims competitively against girls and has full access to their showers and changing areas. Such is the power the transactivists wield in many Western countries.

In fact, a trans category for sports has been proposed, as well as single-person unisex restrooms and changing rooms, but the transactivists are hellbent against it. Why? Because these boys and men and their advocates are hellbent on invading female sports and spaces. A male forcibly allowed to share a locker room with females, even if he is an adult and female children are present, is a huge victory against us troglodytes.  

For good measure, Ms. Ho tosses in the usual disparagements toward any dissenters of Woke ideology. These infidels are neo-Nazis, QAnon conspiracy theorists, and members of a hate group. Shirts in support of female spaces and sports are “anti-trans activewear” (her words), equivalent to the swastika. Imagine that: Being pro-female rights makes you a Nazi.  

Ms. Ho obviously did not do meaningful research. If she had, she’d discover an amazing world outside her silo and that this is most certainly not a right-wing issue, a lazy characterization applied to anyone who disagrees with any tenet of Woke canon. People of all political stripes, and even reasonable transpeople, have legitimate concerns regarding the madness of trans ideology and refuse to disregard the reality that humans are a sexually dimorphic species. If anything, the Woke insanity has been a great unifying force among disparate groups!

Another ludicrous claim Ms. Ho makes is that the pro-female shirts are “terrorizing” the trans community. Really? The fears rational women have regarding males in women’s restrooms and locker rooms and shelters and prisons? Too bad, for the women. Your fears are irrelevant. Transactivists constantly carp that they’re being erased, terrorized, subjected to a veritable genocide, but the fact is they are the actual bullies in this dispute. There are ample videos of transactivists childishly disrupting—sometimes violently—rallies in support of women’s rights. There is no remotely comparable interference with transactivists when they gather in public to espouse their opinions. Trans Uber Alles.    

I’m not sorry to inform Ms. Ho that it is not transphobic or anti-trans or targeting transpeople to protect women’s spaces and sports. It is not bigotry to protect children and vulnerable adults from the tremendous harm caused by this ideology. It’s not right-wing to accept biological reality.

In her editorial, Ms. Ho disparages specific non-Woke people: Riley Gaines, Brooke Slusser, Dr. Tabia Lee, Jennfer Sey, the Gays Against Groomers organization (which she laughably calls a hate group), and detransitioner Chloe Cole. These people are experienced in suffering attacks from the Woke. And in all fairness (a concept alien to Ms. Ho), I did take my shots against the author of this editorial!

I’ve followed the people she attacks and listened to their thoughtful arguments. I admire their courage on taking on the powerful and vicious transgender medical-industrial complex. I can say unequivocally that they are far better human beings than Ms. Ho and the other Woke, and far better than the boys and men who insists on the ultimate misogyny: invading women’s sports and spaces.

Here’s the link to the editorial (possibly behind a paywall):

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