Bonfire of the Inanities: Chapter 2

[This is from an unpublished work, Bonfire of the Inanities, which was written in response to the BLM craziness that erupted after the death of George Floyd.]

“Those decrying racism are often the worst racists of all.”

Despite their insufferable sanctimony, the Woke are not at work dismantling Jim Crow laws, for that would require a time machine, and I don’t see these cowards using one to go back in time if indeed it could be built.  That, of course, would require real courage to face real risks, not the performative theater done in front of the emasculated police of today (the Woke ain’t facing any modern-day Bull Conners). 

No, they pretend Jim Crow laws remain in force and these are manifest in such absurdities as the evil name of a pancake syrup or sensible voter ID laws. To add further embarrassment, the Woke delude themselves into believing that getting a product logo changed is as courageous and world-changing as Joan of Arc going to the stake or the efforts of the murdered Freedom Riders. (As far as I’m aware the Freedom Riders didn’t come into black communities in the South and loot and commit arson, nor did their actions lead directly to the death of innocent black people.)        

Yes, this is the wacky world the fascist Woke have wrought.      

I use the word fascist and fascism a lot, so let’s start with my definition of what those terms mean.

Fascism: An authoritarian ideology characterized by those in power exercising intrusive control and micromanagement over all aspects of society. Individual discretion related to managing one’s personal affairs is severely limited if not altogether banned. A fascist regime’s primary means of control is the coercive suppression of speech, writing, and creative endeavors that conflict with its tenets. Fear is the tool used to accomplish this, and self-censorship is the ultimate goal. Woke fascism doesn’t just suppress notions not to its liking; it extends this concept to include shrill outrage that a person dared have his or her discordant notions in the first place, which is a particularly despicable aspect of the Woke ideology.    

Fascist: A person who embraces fascism as a guiding ideology or who implements its tenets, willingly or unwillingly. If you believe in free speech but cravenly cave into the Woke demands for censorship, you are abetting the crime and, therefore, equally guilty as far as I’m concerned.

With this in mind, allow me to say early on that, man, we are fucked if we don’t stop the Woke fascists. And I mean, like yesterday.

Imagine the Hitler Youth armed with the Internet and obsessed with scouring social media for our sins and not caring one whit about innocence or guilt, basic human rights, or insanely disproportionate punishment. Furthermore, add to this fetid mix those who should defend free speech but instead cower in fear of the Woke, or worse, are become advocates of Woke’s fanaticism regarding censorship; by this, I refer to journalists, elected officials, college professors, college students, and artists. Not to be left out of the ongoing asshattery, a British royal, the nitwit Prince Harry, decided to share with the world that he thinks our American First Amendment is “bonkers.” Not only is he a douche, but a royal douche at that. (He is also a hypocritical Global Warming cultist who scolds us about carbon dioxide emissions but then shamefully flies private jets and leaves in his wake Sasquatch-sized carbon footprints.)   

The new host of the television show Jeopardy is driven off his new gig due to past “controversial” comments.  His possible replacement is now facing the music as result of her past controversial statements. A lack of past controversy is soon to become requisite for all positions which are in the public spotlight—and eventually those which are not. A lack of past controversy in anyone’s life is indicative of a life not lived and is far more likely a symptom of sociopathy rather than of sainthood. Who defines what is “controversial” and what is not? Who decides the appropriate or inappropriate punishment for one’s past sins? What does a world unfailingly devoid of controversial statements look like? Likely, you’ll find the answers to these questions once it’s too late. Too late for you. Too late for me. Too late for everyone.              

Polls consistently show a disturbing number of young adults are fine and dandy with censorship—though it’s not openly called that, but instead is swaddled in Orwellian language, such as curbs on “hate speech” or “noninclusive language” or “misinformation.” But make no mistake, it is fascist censorship. It is taking away a basic human right that everyone must possess. Freedom does not exist without freedom of speech. Period.   

And, boy, do they mean to rid the world of every scintilla of hate and offense (as defined by them), no matter how hateful, oppressive, and nasty they must themselves be in order to accomplish their goal. They search the past, present, and future in their Inspector Javert-like pursuit of our sins. Picture your own thoughts and opinions as Jean Valjean’s stolen loaf of bread—in a world of advanced technology and wussy adults.     

More cameras. More data storage. More wokeness. Cleverer algorithms. This means we are fucked.

The Woke believe their fascism is wonderful, as fascists always do. The elimination of thoughtcrime wherever (and whenever) it becomes evident justifies any means. If only decent people weren’t so damn stubborn, the Woke would ensure us paradise on Earth. The only cost—and it’s nothing really, just ask them—are your rights. And perhaps your life if their dreams of depopulation are realized.      

Even for the crime of murder we have limits as to how far we as a free and just society allow ourselves to go in investigating and punishing the crime, taking into account basic human rights such as privacy, due process, and prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishment. Warrants are required for searches. Trials afford the opportunity for one side to prove guilt, the other side to show innocence or at least insufficient proof of guilt. We don’t implement the death penalty for failure to use a turn signal (though I’m tempted). For thoughtcrime—which a free and just society must accept is not a crime at all—the Woke have no qualms about tossing aside these rights. That’s what fascists do. I’ll say this over and over, in one fashion or another: The Woke are straight-up fascists. Petty, shrill-as-hell ones.      

Do I believe this document will change a single Woke person’s mind? 


But if at some point a Woke person of his own volition, as the result of his own life journey, has an epiphany, and then says, “Wow, that dude was right,” I’ll consider this a success.

The problem is—and it’s a biggie—by then it might be too damn late, for all of us. Hell, we might already be at that point of too-lateness. If so, we non-Woke must at least go down fighting and keep the hell off our knees.         

Most decent folks understand the profound personal growth in one’s life comes from within ourselves and is not the result of an external cudgel. Unfortunately for decent folks, the Woke obsessively hunt for every conceivable nanoaggression over which to bludgeon us, ignorant of the obvious fact that tyranny is based on obsessiveness, lies, and fear. Though the Woke gleefully employ these odious tools, as we experience daily for ourselves as their tyranny takes increasing grip over our lives, these same means shall ultimately lead to their own doom. The problem we face—and it’s also a biggie—is they’re going to take the rest of us down with them in the end. Way down.   

This, too, is not an exaggeration. A sect of Global Warming maniacs insists that “degrowth must happen.” This goal conflicts mightily with the reasonable desire of billions of human beings who want to either achieve, maintain, or improve upon a Western-style standard of living. Should we peel away the euphemistic camouflage from the term “degrowth must happen,” I have no doubt what lies beneath are unimageable horrors. 

“You’re exaggerating to make us look bad!”

I hope so. God, I hope so.

Don’t be fooled by the Woke’s sanctimonious plumage. Forms of camouflage used by the Woke that poorly mask their evil intent include Black Lives Matter (BLM) banners and signs, coexist bumper stickers, the inaptly-named concept of social justice, and profoundly hypocritical carbon offsets. Do not fall for these deceptions any more than we should allow ourselves to be fooled by the clerical vesture of a pedophile priest offering eternal salvation or the enticement of a multilevel marketer promising easy riches.        

I hope I’ve this document to a point of readability. I wrote using what some might call a bastardized stream of consciousness technique. Others might be less kind and say it’s a rambling mishmash of a mess. 

Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter to me how it’s described. I insist you have the inalienable right to describe it in any manner you see fit. That’s a key difference between me and the Woke, and by itself makes me a far better person than them.

“Whoa. Hold on there. You’re saying right off the bat that you’re a better person than they are?”

Yes. Flaws and all. Serious flaws. Past sins. Sins for which there is no atonement. Yes, definitely better.  

Should I manage a modicum of notoriety and the Woke get hold of these failings on my part, expect the Internet to go wild with self-righteous glee—that is if you consider an Aztec human sacrifice ceremony a gleeful occasion. Then as now, human sacrifices are considered necessary to appease the gods or assure a bountiful harvest by proving one’s fealty, when, in fact, they are the acts of madmen working toward everyone’s destruction.

The Woke have yet to cut open chests to extract still-beating hearts, but give them time, my friends, give them time. The Woke Republic of Gilead draws nigh. I wonder if Margaret Atwood may find herself surprised at her story being turned upside-down and inside-out, and yet remarkably prescient, nevertheless. Twasn’t the anti-abortion Evangelical Christians, but those of her own ilk who are the mortal threat.            

The Woke are petty tyrants subjecting decent folks to every manner of inanity. An important thing to remember is that petty tyrants aspire to grander forms of tyranny—if decent people let them. 

Don’t let them; otherwise, they’ll continue keep doing the petty shit, but then add gulags and other horrors. They’ve already gotten away with ramping up their low-level asshattery into much more serious harm, including censorship, looting, arson, vandalism, injury, and death.

And they intend to do far more and far worse, as widespread as they can get away with. At the present time, we have few adults in positions of authority standing up to this craziness; in fact, some leaders openly support what is accurately described as full-on asshattery. For example, an asshat BLM activist declared looting is “a form of reparations.” There are politicians and celebrities sympathetic to this position. Few spoke out against it.   

These are the participants in them thar peaceful protests (aka, largely peaceful protests or fiery protests).    

The pathetic inaction of elected leaders who allow criminals to victimize a community is broadcasting loud and clear that this detestable attitude is now public policy—for looters of every race. In the county where I live, the District Attorney announced that a looter’s “need” for the stolen items should be taken into account when considering criminal charges. The needs of the robbed store owner are not a factor in this demented calculation, whether or not said businessperson is a “person of color.” Such is the illogic embraced by the Woke—and by which decent people suffer—that a person actively trying to prevent the looting of his store is far more likely to incur criminal charges than those doing the looting. 

I don’t cotton to the despicable notion that looting is an excusable crime. This criminal-enabling attitude is unacceptable. Looters are detestable, opportunistic vermin. Elected officials are expected to uphold the law. When they abet criminal behavior, society is in big trouble, and that’s the situation we currently find ourselves. It’s no wonder that rioters and looters feel emboldened. If I was in their stolen Air Jordan’s, I’d feel the same way. 

“That’s racist!”

Perhaps. Perhaps not. Boo hoo, either way.                             

I needed to write this document in this format for the cathartic effect; adding each day’s irritations to the previous ones—like the poor dog kicked by its owner each day as a pathetic form of emotional outlet. It was either this or drugs or drink. I wouldn’t physically kick a dog or a Woke nitwit for my own benefit, though I’m tempted to kick an Antifa dumbass in the petute (I pronounce it as pih-toot, as in horse’s petute).

God knows the police aren’t going to. But they should. (Hey, if we’re going to have police brutality, at least make it worthwhile.)   

Note to our elected leaders who’ve undermined and emasculated the police to the detriment of law-abiding citizens of all races: As soon as violence, destruction, or thievery occur at a “protest,” the police must immediately and forcefully deal with it. Lives and property must be protected. The bullshit excuse that “it’s just property,” is just that: bullshit. The feckless elite don’t have their communities looted and destroyed. No, that occurs in other, often black, neighborhoods.    

Gelding the police clearly signals to lawbreakers that they can act the fool with impunity, and this directly leads to greater damage and lives lost (the “Broken Window Theory” writ large). Also, if you’re expecting possible widespread violence and destruction, have the National Guard prepositioned in front of businesses before the protest—this has the added benefit of providing additional protection for those people who show up to actually protest peacefully. Having the National Guard come in the next day and stand watch over piles of ashes is weak-ass shit, and says to your law-abiding citizens that you’re good-for-nothing and don’t give a damn about them.     

Note to protest “leaders”: Police your own shit. If folks in your midst start misbehaving, stand aside and let the police deal with them. If you don’t do this—or worse, actively interfere with the police—you confirm what many of us suspect: The so-called peaceful protesters condone and enable rioting and other criminal behavior, even if it harms black people and their communities.   

Note to the rest of us: Don’t expect fools and cowards to heed the above advice. Assume going forward that we’re on our own, which is made worse by the Woke’s efforts to disarm us. People have a basic human right to defend themselves and their property from harm, and this includes standing their ground to do so. We’ve been abandoned by those we elect and hire to do this on our behalf—plan accordingly.  

I say we play the sanctuary city game; you know, like the Woke love to do with illegal immigrants. Let’s provide sanctuary to those who protect life and property from harm. Hell, I’ll provide sanctuary to an illegal immigrant who steps up to the plate to protect his family, friends, or neighbors from destructive losers (e.g., Antifa, BLM).               

I’d love to get this document to the point of publishability, where I can bask in the affirmation of a complete stranger, but it’s questionable if that’s possible, either by my talents or in the time we have left.

We do what we do, with what we got, in the time we have remaining.

Kind of like a guy on death row—in Texas.

Perhaps, I’ll go the Henry Darger route; or the modern equivalent, which is to say self-publish. Though that seems like cheating to me, circumventing the gatekeeper that is an editor and publisher, and who might make the final product better. But then again, there are no producers restricting the tsunami of videos posted to YouTube, many of which are quite good. Perhaps editors have been like the De Beers diamond family, but instead of manipulating the supply of diamonds, they strangle the supply of written words.      

Most importantly, however these words come into your possession, I hope it’s found interesting, thought-provoking, engaging…and perhaps enraging if the primary target of these ruminations comes to read them.

That target: The aforementioned Woke—or whatever moniker du jour is assigned them at present.

Should they demand I be canceled or boycotted or receive some other punishment, this is proof I succeeded in my goal to chum the waters with the truth and see what asshat sharks show up. I’m predicting sharks with man buns, dyed hair, shrill voices, gender confusion, and no gainful employment. Definitely no sense of humor. Possibly vegan, to boot.

“Oh, so you’ve a problem with vegans!”

Yes, indeedy. Not so much the diet if that’s one’s personal choice. It’s their irritating sanctimony and that they would force it upon the rest of us (i.e., the fascist politicization of it). They drape their superciliousness in terms of animal cruelty or protecting the environment, but this is no different than religions with dietary restrictions who likewise justify oppression and offer false salvation based on notions concocted by phony-baloney prophets.        

Anybody reading this who can’t bear the “violence” or “bigotry” or other triggered woe caused to their psyche, and demands I be silenced, proves my point: We’re a nation needlessly roiled by a bunch of fascist wussies who are an embarrassment to themselves—and a threat to the vast majority of Americans who are decent, hardworking people. I’m guessing that traditional hardcore fascists want to distance themselves from these wussies, too. Can’t say I’d blame them. 

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